Wednesday, November 23, 2011

We’re not gonna take it,

David Whelan
David Whelan, Forbes Staff
Health care cost and quality, entrepreneurship, and business stories.
11/16/2011 @ 10:24PM |2,097 views

The AMA Finally Takes A Stand Against ObamaCare Thinking In Washington

In two years Medicare plans to force all of its providers to move from a billing system that uses 13,000 diagnosis codes (ICD-9) to one that uses 68,000 (ICD-10).
Hospitals, doctors and other medical providers aren’t thrilled. Will they be able to find capable coders? Will the change require system downtime, software expenses, and breaks in their revenue cycle? One study found that the cost of upgrading to ICD-10 would be $83,000 for a three doctor practice and $285,000 for a ten doctor practice.
Nobody’s made a great case for why ICD-10 is a good idea, except that it would make U.S. and European coding equivalent. Comparative public health research would become easier, but at a huge unfunded cost.
The American Medical Association has been watching the ICD-10 debate. Yesterday it decided to turn its House of Delegates meeting into a production of The Who’s Tommy. We’re not gonna take it, said the much-put-upon doctors. AMA members voted to “work vigorously to stop implementation of ICD-10.”
What’s interesting is that it marks the first time a major health care lobby has come out against the coding change. It also a sign of growing resistance to policy makers practicing medicine without a license.
The Administration, between the stimulus bill and ObamaCare, has jammed a number of “reforms” down doctors throats with nary a gag. Since 2009 doctors have been told that they can’t own their own hospitals, they must use expensive and often buggy electronic health records, they have to work for 29.5% less, and they must kiss the rings of local hospitals and HMOs to form dubious partnerships called ACOs. Soon they will have to seek approval for treatments from an unelected 12-member panel of experts in rationing care.
Doctors might have gotten off easy with only a 2,400 page reform bill. Heath czars have toyed with all sorts of gimmicks but for a stroke of a pen and the coercive power of Medicare, would have been imposed on 750,000 practicing physicians. Remember Peter Orszag’s op-ed that hospitals are understaffed on the weekends? Docs are lucky Orszag was already out of the White House and interviewing for his current job as a Citigroup lobbyist when he wrote that. Otherwise they might be punching their time cards seven days a week while also taking a pay cut.
It’s not clear to me why the ICD-10 rule is what finally pushed the AMA over the edge. Perhaps the usually compliant lobby is emboldened by the the imminent leadership change at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid. Donald Berwick will likely step aside in January when his recess nomination expires. Or perhaps the AMA is thinking bigger. There could be more dramatic personnel changes in Washington in the next year or two. You never know.

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