Thursday, September 29, 2011

the ACLU has terrified many school boards

The ACLU -- a change of heart ... or cowardice?
Dr. Michael Youssef - Guest Columnist - 9/28/2011 2:00:00 PMBookmark and Share

The ANC (American News Commentary) reported in its September 21, 2011 issue that the ACLU is defending the right of Muslims to exercise prayer in public schools in San Diego… Really?

Is that a change of heart or the expression of a cowardly and terrified heart? It is most likely the latter. Let me explain.

Over the last 40 years or so, the ACLU has terrified many school boards, school administrators, and school children by threatening to drag them into court if they pray in public.

A few years ago, they terrified many coaches and sporting event coordinators by warning them that if they dare pray in public, the ACLU would bring about the full weight of their false interpretation of the Establishment Clause.

For many years, they have sent their emissaries across the land, “Gestapo-like,” checking out every small city council, lest they open their meeting with prayer.

But now they are coming out of their closets and are supporting Muslim students praying in public schools.

If you think that this defies every aspect of human logic, you would be right.

Fear is a powerful factor – fear devastates logical thinking, fear decimates consistency and their support for Islamic prayer in public schools in San Diego is a clear indication of that fear. They know all too well what will happen to them if they exercise their clever maneuvers on Muslims. They will not see the love and forgiveness they have received from Christians. Rather, they will see the end of the sword.

Surprise, surprise when Kevin Keenan, the spokesperson for the ACLU in San Diego, explained his enthusiastic support for Muslims praying in public schools, he said: “Performing these prayers is widely recognized as one of the five essential pillars of Islam.” Really?

Have they not heard, do they not know that Christians and Jews are also exhorted to pray?

Have they not heard, do they not know that for Christians, prayer is a life-line to their Savior, the God of the universe?

Have they not heard, do they not know that the prophet Daniel was thrown into the den of lions because he would not stop praying to the God of Heaven?

Have they not heard, do they not know that for Christians prayer is the foremost expression of their desire to commit themselves, their schools, their sporting events, and their public meetings to the Lord God Almighty?

Can one hope that appealing to the ACLU to be fair and just and not single out Christians, who are loving and forgiving, will make a difference? Meanwhile, they cower when it comes to Muslims, who may talk with the sword.

Can one appeal to them to see the light before it is too late for them as “infidels”—the first in line to face the sword under the Sharia?

Can one appeal to them to exercise even the most basic of human logic, let alone review history and truth?

One can hope.

hospitals to close emergency departments

Health insurers call on hospitals to close emergency departments

Wednesday 28 September 2011
Health insurance companies are calling for a sharp reduction in the number of hospital accident and emergency departments because of rising healthcare costs, according to media reports on Wednesday.
'Most hospitals have such a department. But is it right in these times that The Hague should have six accident and emergency departments and Amsterdam seven?, Pieter Hasekamp, head of the health insurers association, is quoted as saying in Trouw.
Hasekamp stressed the decision which A&E departments should close would be taken carefully, and that spread, availability and quality would be taken into account. 'It is a complex process, because A&E is the hospital's front door,' he said.
The association has set aside €100m to cover the cost of the closures.
A spokeswoman for the Dutch hospital association told Trouw the closures would have 'enormous consquences' for patients, and that the €100m on offer from the insurers was no more than 'a nice gesture'.
In addition, the closures would make it difficult to realise health ministry plans of keeping healthcare 'close to the people', she said.
In June, hospitals, insurers and the health ministry agreed to introduce more specialisation, so that not all hospitals offer all treatment. The closure of A&E departments is part of that agreement, Trouw says.
Meanwhile, health minister Edith Schippers told health insurers on Tuesday they should be more selective about which services they buy in and at what price.
The minister is currently working on a new policy document which aims to make the rising cost of healthcare the subject of widespread discussion - not only by politicians but 'in every sitting room', the Telegraaf said.

Our White House bully problem

Our White House bully problem
Michelle Malkin - Syndicated Columnist - 9/28/2011 12:55:00 PMBookmark and Share
Michelle Malkincolumnists archives buttonSpin, baby, spin. Throughout his frenetic jobs tour across the West this week, President Obama tried to seize the narrative. Republicans, he told champagne-sipping, tea party-trashing Hollywood moguls and tech titans, are intolerant bigots, know-nothings and thugs. They've made his hair "grayer" and left him "all dinged up."

But who's battering whom? Since Day One, Obama has been the Chicago bully in victim's clothing. The mask is wearing thin.

On Tuesday, Detroit News reporter Daniel Howes reported that White House officials leaned on Ford Motor Company to yank a popular TV and Internet ad critical of competitors who took federal bailout money. According to Howes, "Ford pulled the ad after individuals inside the White House" questioned the firm's CEO Alan Mulally (who had earlier supported the bailout despite his company's refusal to participate). Howes concluded: "You're not allowed, in Obama's America, to disparage the Auto bailout, or -- indirectly -- Obama. Especially during the election cycle."

Both Ford and the White House officially deny any political pressure received or applied. But White House press flack Dan Pfeiffer refused to answer when I asked him whether anyone at the White House had ever contacted anyone at Ford to complain about the bailout ad. Ford's social media director told me he personally "had no knowledge" of any contacts. While he disputed the gist of Howes' report, the Ford official would not call for a correction or retraction.

Chris McDaniel, the real-life Ford customer who starred in the offending ad, told editor Larry O'Connor that he was exasperated when he heard about the Ford fiasco: "Now we have the federal government butting their nose into this TV ad. Another example of them getting involved in things they have no business getting involved in. Where is the free speech of American citizens?"

He better watch out for the Obama campaign's official snitch brigade at After a curious hiatus, the online speech monitors are up and running again. Coincidentally enough, the site (run by several George Soros-trained operatives) targeted conservative auto bailout critics just two weeks ago.

A left-wing Washington Post writer immediately scoffed at concerns about the administration's heavy hand because the Ford fiasco "is being denied by the parties on both sides." Must be nice to mainline White House talking points for a living. For the rest of us, reality intrudes.

This is the administration that threatened health insurers for candidly tying ObamaCare mandates to rising premiums.

This is the administration that pummeled companies such as Deere, Caterpillar, Verizon and AT&T for speaking out about the cost implications and financial burdens of ObamaCare -- and then cheered from the sidelines while Democratic Rep. Henry Waxman attempted to haul the firms up for a congressional witch-hunt inquisition.

This is the administration that has seized Gibson Guitars' instruments and has threatened whistleblowers who exposed bloody corruption and incompetence behind the Operation Fast and Furious gun-walking racket.

And lest they need a reminder, this is an administration that has clamped down on mainstream media reporters, too.

The Pleasanton (CA) Weekly was bullied by the White House press shop over a benign article that irked the administration because it made Michelle Obama look snooty.

The San Francisco Chronicle was punished by the White House because a print pool reporter used a cellphone to record video of protesters at an Obama Bay Area fundraiser.

A WFAA-TV Texas reporter was dressed down by the president for having the audacity to interrupt.

The Boston Herald was spanked by the White House for running a front-page op-ed by GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

The White House denied any pressure in all those cases, too.

Before his campaign finance-grubbing swing ended, Obama met the pop singer Lady Gaga. She lobbied him to combat bullying across America. It was a little like Red Riding Hood lobbying the Big Bad Wolf to promote vegetarianism.


Democrat allies in Congress are destroying America

Dear Fellow Conservative:

I happen to be a black man, but the only thing I have in common with Barack Obama is a good tan! If you share my belief that Obama's socialist policies and his Democrat allies in Congress are destroying America, please read every word below.
Obama and I have traveled distinctly different paths.

When Obama was consorting with Communist mentors like Frank Marshall Davis, I was earning my Eagle Scout rank.

When Obama was smoking various controlled substances, I was defending our country as an Air Force Officer and Air Force Academy graduate.
When Obama was palling around with terrorist Bill Ayers and attending Jeremiah Wright's "G..D... America" church, I was raising a family.
I am running for Congress in North Carolina's newly redrawn 8th District because we cannot shrink big government and grow the economy unless we replace the Democrats in Washington with stalwart constitutional conservatives
As you may know, Republicans are expected to lose TEN congressional seats in California and Illinois alone as a result of the Democrats' extraordinary gerrymandering of those states' congressional district maps. In order to prevent Nancy Pelosi from becoming Speaker again, Republicans must pick up four Democrat seats in North Carolina. Because North Carolina Republicans controlled the redistricting pencil for the first time since the 19th century, four incumbent Democrat Congressmen now find themselves drawn into Republican districts.
To appreciate how conservative my district has become, consider this. In the old 8th District, Obama won with 52% of the vote. In the new 8th District, Obama lost with 42% of the vote. That ten point improvement (i.e., Obama losing by fifteen points instead of winning by five points) is especially good news for me because my opponent -- Democrat Larry Kissell has been a rubber stamp for Obama's socialist agenda.
For example, job-killing Kissell voted FOR higher taxes, the $825 billion stimulus, raising the debt ceiling by $1.9 trillion, taxpayer financed abortion on demand, and special rights for homosexuals. He co-sponsored Card-Check And he voted AGAINST Cut, Cap and Balance, the bill to repeal Obamacare, the bill to allow us to buy light bulbs of our choosing, school choice vouchers for inner-city children, and the bills to defund ACORN, Planned Parenthood, and National Public Radio.


Britannia Radio

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Latter-day Saint view of Book of Mormon musical

I have been reading Michael Otterson's column in the Washington Post
and loving it.  Michael is the head of Public Affairs for the Church.
The article below reflects his no nonsense approach in addressing
current Mormon issues, specifically in this article, the Broadway Hit,
The Book of Mormon Musical.

I thought you might enjoy the read.
Love you all.

A Latter-day Saint view of Book of Mormon musical

Reviews of “The Book of Mormon” musical have been all over the
entertainment media in the past few weeks. According to the reviews,
the play sketches the journey of two Mormon missionaries from their
sheltered life in Salt Lake City to Uganda, where their training and
life experience proves wholly inadequate to the realities of a
continent plagued by poverty, AIDS, genital mutilation and other
horrors. While extolling the musical for its originality, most
reviewers also make reference to the play’s over-the-top blasphemous
and offensive language.

Dealing with parody and satire is always a tricky thing for churches.
We can easily appear thin-skinned or defensive, and churches sometimes
are. A few members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
who have seen this musical and blogged about it seem to have gone out
of their way to show how they can take it. That’s their choice.
There’s always room for different perspectives, and we can all decide
what to do with our free time.

But I’m not buying what I’m reading in the reviews. Specifically, I’m
not willing to spend $200 for a ticket to be sold the idea that
religion moves along oblivious to real-world problems in a kind of
blissful naiveté.

Somewhere I read that the show’s creators spent seven years writing
and producing “The Book of Mormon” musical. As I reflected on all that
time spent parodying this particular target, I also wondered what was
really going on with Mormons in Africa during those same seven years.

So I checked.

•The World Health Organization estimates that 884 million people
worldwide don’t have access to clean water. This is a huge problem in
Africa, not only because of water-borne diseases but because kids who
spend hours each day walking to and from the nearest well to fill old
gasoline cans with water cannot attend school. According to church
records, in the past seven years, more than four million Africans in
17 countries have gained access to clean drinking water through Mormon
humanitarian efforts to sink or rehabilitate boreholes.
•More than 34,000 physically handicapped African kids now have
wheelchairs through the same Mormon-sponsored humanitarian program. To
see a legless child whose knuckles have become calloused through
walking on his hands lifted into a wheelchair may be the best way to
fully understand the liberation this brings.
•Millions of children, meanwhile, have now been vaccinated against
killer diseases like measles as the church has sponsored or assisted
with projects in 22 African countries.
•More than 126,000 Africans have had their sight restored or improved
through Mormon partnership with African eye care professionals in
providing training, equipment and supplies.
•Another 52,000 Africans have been trained to help newborns who
otherwise would never take a first breath. Training in neonatal
resuscitation has also been a big project for Mormons in Africa.
•Then, of course, there is the tragedy of AIDS. A couple of weeks ago
I attended a dinner where the Utah AIDS Foundation honored James O.
Mason, former United States Assistant Secretary of Health. When he was
working for the Center for Disease Control in 1984, a project to
research the epidemiology and treatment of AIDS was established at the
Hospital Mama Yempo in Kinshasha, Zaire. After visiting the hospital
and examining the children and adults with AIDS, Mason described the
death rate and the associated infections from AIDS as “horrific.”
Mason, a Mormon, knows quite a bit about AIDS and a great deal about
•None of this includes responses to multiple disasters, like the
flooding in Niger, where the Church provided clothing, quits and
hygiene items to 20,000 people in six inundated regions of the

Of course, parody isn’t reality, and it’s the very distortion that
makes it appealing and often funny. The danger is not when people
laugh but when they take it seriously – if they leave a theater
believing that Mormons really do live in some kind of a surreal world
of self-deception and illusion.

A couple of weeks ago a review about the musical appeared at the New
York Times from a Jewish writer who simply listed himself as Levi. “As
someone of Jewish faith,” he began, “I take personal offense at this
show….I cannot believe that New York, MY New York, where I was born
and raised, would ever do such a thing. Shame on you, New York Times,
shame on Broadway, and shame on all of us who stand idly by and do
nothing while the faith of others is mocked. Religious and cultural
Jews need not support such bigotry.”
Levi’s point was echoed by some reviewers, but by surprisingly few. So
why hasn’t there been a huge outcry from Mormons?
In my opinion, three reasons. The first is that in the great scheme of
things, what Broadway does with “The Book of Mormon” musical is
irrelevant to most of us. In the great sweep of history, parodies and
TV dramas are blips on the radar screen that come and go. Popular
culture will be whatever it will be.

The second reason is related. Jesus’s apostle Paul put it rather well
when he said that Christians seek out the positive and virtuous things
in life. His New Testament phraseology was adapted in the early years
of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in this formal
Article of Faith:
“We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and
in doing good to all men…If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of
good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.”
Finally, if we Mormons really do follow Jesus Christ in our lives and
look to him as an example, then it’s hard for us to ignore the
injunction to turn the other cheek. There were times, to be sure, when
Jesus roundly criticized others, but it was almost always for hardened
hypocrisy. He dismissed the criticism he received personally and told
his followers: “Do good to them who despitefully use you and persecute
It takes strength of character to do this, but it’s the Christian
mandate. Sure, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints pushes
back when the record needs correcting or when legal rights need
defending, but the world of popular entertainment is more likely to be
met with a collective shrug than by placard-waving Mormon protesters.
Meanwhile, what of those thousands of remarkable and selfless Mormon
missionaries who opted to pay their own expenses during the past seven
years to serve in Africa while their peers were focused on careers or
getting on with life? They have returned home, bringing with them a
connection with the African people that will last a lifetime. Many
will keep up their Swahili language or their Igbo dialect. They will
keep in their bedrooms the flags of the nations where they served.
They will look up every time they hear Africa mentioned on the evening
news. Their associations with the people whose lives they touched will
become lifetime friendships. And in a hundred ways they will become
unofficial ambassadors for the nations they served.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Gun Control By Government Must Be Stopped

Gun Control By Government Must Be Stopped
With the Obama administration, a political
bureaucracy has emerged that is unprecedented in
its arrogant disregard for the rule of law, the Constitution
and co-equal branches of government. Nowhere is that
usurpation of power more glaring than in the Justice
Department’s decree establishing a centralized registry of
firearm owners in total violation of law.
Using the big lie that American firearm retailers are fueling Mexican drug cartels, the administration has demanded that in four states (Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and California) personal information on law-abiding purchasers of two or more semiautomatic rifles (above .22 cal.) in a five-business-day period
will become part of a centralized database.
This is gun owner registration,
pure and simple. Keeping a central
registry of information on law-abiding Americans and the
firearms we own or acquire is specifically forbidden in federal law
and has been voted down in Congress.
It may be only four states and some firearm owners today,
but as with all “gun control” it will never end until all Americans
suffer under its yoke.
Gun owners must begin
marshaling our collective
power to unelect not only
Obama and his crowd, but to
unelect his anti-gun-owner
axis in Congress.
Government Edict
nra immediately organized and funded lawsuits in several federal courts to stop the order, and we are moving aggressively in the Congress to reverse this unlawful bureaucratic act.
Attorney General Eric Holder has pledged the full resources of the u.s. Justice Department to “vigorously fight” the nra’s legal challenge. He has at his command an army of anti-gun lawyers and unlimited taxpayer dollars to wage war against us.
This move by unelected bureaucrats is part of a plan that was hatched at the outset of the Obama administration with the full support of a host of media enablers. Those in the gun-ban crowd are ghouls, always in search of a “crisis” to feed on. And what they seek is the power to extinguish our rights and freedom.
With the extreme violence of the narco-anarchy in Mexico, they seized on that opportunity.
Try this from the Jan. 5, 2011, Los Angeles Times demanding the registration scheme: “Mexico has some of the strictest gun laws in the hemisphere. ... for Mexico, however, its weapons management strategy is sabotaged by an accident of location—its residence next door to the gun capital of the world.” That’s us. That’s our freedom.
For two years, the mainstream media has been hustling the government line that federally regulated firearm dealers are the virtual sole source of firearms acquired by the multibillion-dollar Mexican drug cartels. But the truth is those vast, ruthless criminal enterprises obey no laws. As u.s. Rep. Darrell Issa, r-Calif., who chairs the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee,
said during congressional hearings, the cartels are “incredibly rich—with billions of dollars of drug money. ... to buy anything they want anywhere in the world in vast quantities.”
With black market surplus full-automatic aks and Vietnam-era m16s easily available, combined with master gun-running criminals on the level of the cartels, the notion that cartels are arming themselves from average gun stores is nuts.
To show that murder weapons in Mexico could originate in u.s. gun shops, superiors at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (batfe) made it happen through “Operation Fast and Furious.” Over the objection of gun dealers who reported suspected criminal activity, batfe refused to allow street agents to make arrests of actual criminals and gun smugglers. All of this was done so that those guns would “walk,” thus ending up in Mexico to be traced from the scenes of bloodletting back to dealers who did everything right.
In one of the best descriptions of “Fast and Furious,” Robert Farago wrote in The Washington Times that “ ... The agency’s motive for creating a program that violated Mexican sovereignty and put innocent lives at risk: inflating the number of American firearms recovered at Mexican crime scenes. The more blood-soaked American guns in Mexico the atf could identify for its congressional paymasters, the more compelling its case for increased federal funding and new agency-enforced gun-control regulations.
In short, ‘Operation Fast and Furious’ was an anti-gun-running
gun-running program.”
All of this was done to bring about Barack Obama’s promised “under the radar” gun control. The batfe/Justice response to getting caught in this bloody scandal is to double down. Breathtaking.
nra has demanded the ouster of Attorney General Eric Holder
for starters, but that’s not nearly enough.
With President Obama ignoring the law and the Constitution,
and with his total lack of cooperation with Congress in the oversight of “Operation Fast and Furious,” the only way we will truly change this continuing outrage is to change the regime this coming election year.
Gun owners must begin marshaling our collective power to unelect not only Obama and his crowd, but to unelect his anti-gun-owner axis in Congress.
With a new administration, we can end “gun control by government edict” and press for independent criminal investigations into “Fast and Furious” so that government officials responsible for that indefensible operation are brought before the courts to answer for what may well be criminal conduct.
For the families of those who have lost their lives because of this deadly and despicable scheme—on both sides of the border—we can demand no less.Straight From The SourceNew book from NRA is the authority on guns, ammo, shooting, ballistics, safety and fi rearms history. Order your copy today!

Foreskins for Everyone


Greg Shapiro: Foreskins for Everyone!

Friday 16 September 2011 is reporting that the Dutch doctors federation KNMG is again speaking out against the practice of circumcising young boys. The organization says “10 - 15,000 boys are circumcised in the Netherlands every year, often on religious grounds and without anesthetics.”
“10-15,000 circumcisions per year!” It would seem that you can’t get a cup of coffee in this country without someone trying to cut off your foreskin.
I can tell you from experience that we considered circumcision for our son, and it was not easy to find anyone to do it. The main reason we considered it was for hygienic reasons: I have no idea how to take care of a foreskin. Having been born in America, I was circumcized along with every other male infant of my generation, and – personally – I’ve never regretted it.

We finally did find a Dutch doctor who performed the circumcision. He used a local anaesthetic, and the procedure was over in 5 minutes. Healing took about a week. In all, it felt about as barbaric as the heel prick or the DTKP inoculation, or any of the needles we jabbed into him, full of disease.
Already, 3 of the KNMG claims are untrue in my experience (circumcisions are common, they are performed for religious reasons, no anesthetic).
IF you want to slice it off of my insurance package (pun intended), then go ahead. But if the Netherlands is going to put a ban on male circumcision, then watch out. Next, I’m afraid males without foreskins will be made to re-attach their foreskins.
BUT the KNMG goes further! They also object to circumcision because it is often for religious reasons and ‘not normal.’ Now you’ve made it into an issue of religious freedom.
Folks, I’d take your argument a lot more seriously – IF your country hadn’t turned in all those Jews a couple generations ago. First, the Dutch crack down on Kosher butchers and now penis butchers. If you’re so darned interested in people’s penises and what they do with them, go to
And as to ‘AjaxFan1983,’ who tweeted ‘Circumcision makes you no doctor. It is a SHAME.’ My response is this: You, sir, are no Joden supporter.
I think the Dutch can all agree that extremism is bad. No one is making circumcisions mandatory (that’s the Yanks). But they also shouldn’t be forbidden. Meanwhile, KNMG, your foreskins are all very nice.
Greg Shapiro is a comedy/newsman, actor/writer, speaker/coach from Chicago, living in Amsterdam

What if a White President Had Said This

Written on by The Godfather

What if a White President Had Said This?

We were told by numerous commentators and political theorists that when a black president was elected, America would finally move beyond “racial politics.” It hasn’t happened. Two recent incidents prove it. First, popular and talented actor Morgan Freeman had this exchange with CNN commentator Piers Morgan. As you read this, keep in mind that Herman Cain, a black man and a Republican candidate supported by the TEA Party, won the presidential straw poll in Florida:
PIERS MORGAN, HOST: Has Obama helped the process of eradicating racism, or has it in a strange way made it worse.
MORGAN FREEMAN: Made it worse. Made it worse. Look at, look, the Tea Partiers, who are controlling the Republican Party, stated, and what’s this guy’s name, Mitch O’Connell. Is that his, O’Connell?
MORGAN: Yeah, Mitch McConnell, yeah.
FREEMAN: Mitch McConnell. Their stated policy, publicly stated, is to do whatever it takes to see to it that Obama only serves one term. What’s, what does that, what underlines that? “Screw the country. We’re going to whatever we do to get this black man, we can, we’re going to do whatever we can to get this black man outta here.”
MORGAN: But is that necessarily a racist thing?
FREEMAN: It is a racist thing.
* * * * * *
MORGAN: Does it unnerve you that the Tea Party [is] gaining such traction?FREEMAN: Yes.
FREEMAN: Well, it just shows the weak, dark, underside of America. We’re supposed to be better than that. We really are. That’s, that’s why all those people were in tears when Obama was elected president. “Ah, look at what we are. Look at how, this is America.” You know? And then it just sort of started turning because these people surfaced like stirring up muddy water.
Second, soon after Freeman made these irrational and racist remarks, President Obama addressed an all-black audience and said the following as reported by the Associated Press:
In a fiery summons to an important voting bloc, President Barack Obama told blacks on Saturday to quit crying and complaining and “put on your marching shoes” to follow him into battle for jobs and opportunity.
Can you imagine if a white president or a white presidential candidate had made a similar appeal to a white audience? In fact, if the AP had reported the story and said one of these Republican candidates had told whites to quit crying and complaining and “put on your marching shoes,” the media would have gone crazy and the pundits would rev up the claim that the TEA Party is made up of a bunch of racists.
No, self-appointed black leaders and this president are the ones injecting race into politics. Conservatives are the ones trying to move beyond racial politics, but the racialists won’t let us. They need the racial vote to stay in power. They need the plantation system to maintain their power.

I often wondered why

I often wondered why it is that Conservatives are called the "right" and Liberals are called  the "left". 

By chance I stumbled upon  this verse in the Bible: 
"The heart of the wise  inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left."  Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV) 
Thus sayeth the Lord.  Amen.
Can't get any simpler than  that. 
Spelling lesson -- The last  four letters in American.......I can.
 The last four letters in Republican.....I can.
 The last four letters in Democrats......rats. 
End of lesson. Test to  follow in November, 2012.

I Have a Bridge to Sell You

If You Believe the President, I Have a Bridge to Sell You

On Thursday, President Obama paid a visit to Cincinnati, Ohio were he gave a speech on his jobs bill.  One of the items mentioned in his jobs bill is the replacement of the Brent Spence Bridge.  This bridge connects Cincinnati to northern Kentucky and carries all of the traffic for Interstates I-71 and I-75.
The President said that his choosing to speak there had nothing to do with politics and everything to do with promoting his jobs bill.  He went on to say:
“Now, the bridge behind us just happens to connect the state that’s home to the Speaker of the House with the home state of the Republican leader in the Senate…Just a coincidence.  Purely accidental that that happened…The reason I came here is because Mr. Boehner and Mr. McConnell are the two most powerful Republicans in government.  They can either kill this jobs bill, or they can help us pass it… Mr. Boehner, Mr. McConnell, help us rebuild this bridge.  Help us rebuild America. Help us put this country back to work. Pass this jobs bill right away.”If you truly believe that the President’s choice to speak at the base of that bridge had nothing to do with politics, I’ll sell you that bridge and several others along with it.  Interestingly, I did a little research and learned that the Brent Spence Bridge is already scheduled for replacement in the future and the President’s jobs bill may help send some funds to help pay for it, but it won’t do anything to make it happen any faster than is already planned.
The one thing he said that may hold some truth is that Boehner and McConnell may be the key factors as to whether or not Obama’s jobs bill gets passed.  For the sake of the nation, I truly hope and pray that these two leaders have enough intelligence to see that the jobs bill is nothing more than a guise to raise taxes.  It will not create more jobs and in fact, may actually cut jobs.
House Speaker Boehner and Senate Minority Leader McConnell need to stand firm and reject the President’s jobs bill and not compromise in any way shape or manner like they did on the debt crisis issue in August.

Read more: If You Believe the President, I Have a Bridge to Sell You | Godfather Politics

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

make mining's voice heard!

Help Stop EPA's Job-Destroying New Rules

The House of Representatives is set to vote this week on the "TRAIN Act", a bill that will slow down EPA's regulatory train wreck and determine whether EPA should go ahead with an onslaught of job-destroying regulations.

New EPA regulations that specifically target coal-fueled power plants, like the "MACT Rule" and the "Transport Rule", will significantly raise energy prices, impact the reliability of America's electricity supply and destroy hundreds of thousands of high-paying American jobs.
Despite dire warnings from America's mining, manufacturing and energy producers that this onslaught of regulations will significantly weaken economic growth, the EPA continues to push these burdensome regulations through without examining the consequences they will have on America's economic and global competiveness.
With over 26 million Americans now unemployed or underemployed, we have to make sure we are not adding unnecessary regulatory burdens at a time of much needed economic growth.

'Deliciously ironic' offense

'Deliciously ironic' offense
Russ Jones - OneNewsNow - 9/20/2011 4:15:00 AMBookmark and Share
Muslim symbolA Muslim group is calling out a California councilman for comments made on his Facebook page concerning Muslims and 9/11, but at least one Christian group has come to his defense.

The Greater Los Angeles Area chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has requested that Orange city Councilman Jon Dumitru apologize for posting remarks on Facebook concerning the anniversary of 9/11. According to Dr. Gary Cass of, CAIR is upset that the councilman linked the teachings of Islam and the Koran to the terrorist attacks.

"This is just another attempt on the part of CAIR to try to silence any opposition to Islam -- even if it's honest, even if it's legitimate, and even if it's fully protected constitutional speech," Dr. Cass contends. "And we're here to say [that] some Americans are not going to be silenced, no matter what CAIR says, or no matter what CAIR does."

Gary CassDumitru, who is also a firefighter, wrote: "It was ten years ago today that most Americans learned first-hand of the teachings of Islam and the Koran being filled with messages of peace ... as they killed thousands of our fellow Americans! Today, I remember those lost, left behind, and those across the world searching for these pure evil terrorists and dispatching them from this world! We will never forget! We will never forgive!"

In the spokesman's opinion, "What's so deliciously ironic about this is CAIR was connected to the Muslim Brotherhood; and the Muslim Brotherhood, along with CAIR, [was] helping to raise money through the Holy Land Foundation that was being sent to Hamas, a terrorist organization."

Even so, CAIR has responded to the firefighter's words by writing: "Your hateful statement, in which you falsely insinuate that the teachings of Islam and the Koran would allow the terrorist attacks of 9/11, is deeply troubling to all Muslims."


Congressional Reform Act

1. No Tenure / No Pension.
     A Congressman collects a salary while in office and
     receives no pay when they are out of office. 

  2. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social

     All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to  
     the Social Security system immediately.  All  future
     funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress
     participates with the American people.  It may not be
     used for any other purpose.

3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as 
     all Americans do.

4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. 
    Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

5. Congress loses their current health care system and
    participates in the same health care system as the  
    American people.

6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on
     the American people.

7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen are void
     effective 1/1/12.

    The American people did not make this contract with
    Congressmen. Congressmen made all these contracts for 
    themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career..
    The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so
    ours should serve their term(s), then go home and back 
    to work.


Want Coffee

Subject: Want Coffee
Indian Want Coffee:

An Indian walks into a cafe with a shotgun
 In one hand pulling a male buffalo with the other.
 He says to the waiter:  

 "Want coffee."

 The waiter says, "Sure, Chief. Coming right up."

 He gets the Indian a tall mug of coffee.....
 The Indian drinks the coffee down in one gulp,
 Turns and blasts the buffalo with the shotgun,
 Causing parts of the animal to splatter everywhere and then just walks out.

 The next morning the Indian returns.
 He has his shotgun in one hand, pulling
 Another male buffalo with the other.
 He walks up to the counter and says to
 The waiter:
 "Want coffee."

 The waiter says, "Whoa, Tonto!
We're still cleaning up your mess from yesterday.
What was all that about, anyway?"

 The Indian smiles and proudly says,

  "Training for position in United States Congress:
 Come in, drink coffee, shoot the bull,
 Leave mess for others to clean up,
 Disappear for rest of day."

Economic storm threatens the Netherlands

Economic storm threatens the Netherlands, says finance minister

Tuesday 20 September 2011
The Netherlands will have to dig its heels in to withstand the coming economic storm, finance minister Jan Kees de Jager told MPs on Tuesday, as he formally handed over the government's 2012 spending plans to parliament.
'We are being threatened by something, but we don't know what is heading for us, or when, the minister said.
'It is clear that 2012 is going to be a difficult year for a lot of people,' De Jager said. 'We have to make difficult choices and they will hurt.'

€70m too much

The Netherlands is a financially solid country, but still runs a deficit and the debt is increasing. This year alone the country will spend €70m too much every day.
The cabinet is trying to carve out a leading role in restoring financial stability to the EU, he said. This is why the government is keen to tighten up eurozone budget rules and prevent the spread of the Greek crisis. In the long term 'we have to ensure our weaker brother does not bring down other countries in its wake,' De Jager said.
MPs and ministers will hold two days of debate on the 2012 plans on Wednesday and Thursday. The actual documents were published last week but ministers have refrained from commenting on them since then.

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Thief-in-Chief

Written on by The Godfather

The Thief-in-Chief

President Obama is calling for more tax hikes for the “rich.” This is the same president who took an oath to uphold the Constitution. While President Obama might be envious of the rich and despise the rich, he has no constitutional authority to rob the rich. If he wants to appeal to the rich to donate money to help the less “fortunate,” then he is free to do so. But to use the power of government to take money from one group of citizens so it can be given to other citizens is a violation of his constitutional oath as well as a violation of the Eighth Commandment: “Thou shalt not steal,” even if it means trying to shore up a faltering presidency. Here are some comments from our nation’s earliest founders who know something about the nature of the Constitution and the limitation of governmental powers:
  • “To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it.” — Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Joseph Milligan, April 6, 1816
  • “A wise and frugal government… shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.” — Thomas Jefferson, “First Inaugural Address,” March 4, 1801
  • “Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.” — Thomas Jefferson
  • “The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence. If ‘Thou shalt not covet’ and ‘Thou shalt not steal’ were not commandments of Heaven, they must be made inviolable precepts in every society before it can be civilized or made free.” — John Adams, A Defense of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America, 1787
  • “With respect to the two words ‘general welfare,’ I have always regarded them as qualified by the detail of powers connected with them. To take them in a literal and unlimited sense would be a metamorphosis of the Constitution into a character which there is a host of proofs was not contemplated by its creators.” — James Madison in a letter to James Robertson
  • In 1794, when Congress appropriated $15,000 for relief of French refugees who fled from insurrection in San Domingo to Baltimore and Philadelphia, James Madison stood on the floor of the House to object saying: “I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.” — James Madison, Annals of Congress 4:179, 1794
  • “[T]he government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specified objects. It is not like the state governments, whose powers are more general. Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government.” — James Madison

Taxpayer Monies Illegally Funding ACORN Affiliate

Taxpayer Monies Illegally Funding ACORN Affiliate

In 2010, a federal law was passed making it illegal to use taxpayer monies to fund the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) or any organization with ties to ACORN.  Yet this August, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded Affordable Housing Centers of America (AHCOA) a $300,000 grant.
AHCOA was previously named Acorn Housing Corporation and still occupies the same Chicago office and address.  They are also using the same Data Universal Number System (DUNS) number to apply for and receive taxpayer funded grants.  DUNS numbers are unique to specific organizations and location.  For AHCOA to be legally using the same DUNS code, it legally has to be the same organization.
However, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) ruled that AHCOA separated itself from ACORN and that under the law is no longer considered to be an affiliate or allied with ACORN and therefore can legally apply for and receive taxpayer monies.
According to the executive director or the Freedom Through Justice Foundation, Dan Epstein, the GAO’s interpretation of the law is ‘twisted’, saying:“The recent grant of $300,000 of taxpayer dollars to the Affordable Housing Centers of America reflects the degree to which the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has ignored the will of the Congress and the people it represents to stop wasting federal funds on organizations which have a history of mismanagement and fraud, ACORN, its affiliates and subsidiaries, represent the kind of fraud that put all Americans in this economic recession in the first place.”
Realizing that AHCOA is a Chicago based organization and Chicago being the home of one Barrack H. Obama, it’s no surprise that the current administration would try to find a way to divert taxpayer money to AHCOA.  ACORN officials and their affiliates have not only been involved with fraud, but they have always been strong supporters of Obama and he still has ties with them.
Chicago politics has had a long history of corruption and graft.  It seems that history is repeating itself only this time the corruption and graft extends all the way to the White House.

Read more: Taxpayer Monies Illegally Funding ACORN Affiliate | Godfather Politics



To save the economy, in September, 2011,

the government will start deporting old people (instead of illegal's)

 in order to Lower Social Security and Medicare costs.

I started crying when I thought of you.

A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves!

From now thru November 2012 this should be required weekly or at least monthly, reading –    BY ALL WHO VOTE!!!

Did you notice who Obama threatened when he wasn't getting
his way on raising the debt ceiling?

He threatened to not pay: Social Security Retirees, Military Retirees, Social
Security disability and Federal Retirees.

Now.. Let this sink in really good -

He did not threaten to stop payments to illegal aliens

He did not threaten to take frivolous benefits such as Internet
access away from violent inmates

He did not offer to fire some of the thousands of unnecessary
federal employees that he hired

He did not offer to cut down on his or his wife's frivolous gallivanting around

He did not threaten to not pay the senators and representatives or
any of their staff

He did not threaten to take benefits away from welfare recipients

He did not threaten the food stamp programs

He did not threaten to not pay foreign aid

He did not threaten to cut back on anything that involves his base voters.

The list could go on and on. He is in full political re-election mode!

Why are we allowing this person to destroy this wonderful country
with his selfishness and his lies?

His type of change is killing our country.
He needs to be stopped and only our votes can stop him.

Do not forget about his tactics when it's election time.
Vote Obama out of the Presidency in 2012.

Democracy... is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.

Liberty ... is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. -- Benjamin Franklin


A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves! 
I'M 100% for PASSING THIS ON!!! 
Let's Take a Stand!!!