Taxpayer Monies Illegally Funding ACORN Affiliate
In 2010, a federal law was passed making it illegal to use taxpayer monies to fund the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) or any organization with ties to ACORN. Yet this August, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded Affordable Housing Centers of America (AHCOA) a $300,000 grant.
AHCOA was previously named Acorn Housing Corporation and still occupies the same Chicago office and address. They are also using the same Data Universal Number System (DUNS) number to apply for and receive taxpayer funded grants. DUNS numbers are unique to specific organizations and location. For AHCOA to be legally using the same DUNS code, it legally has to be the same organization.
However, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) ruled that AHCOA separated itself from ACORN and that under the law is no longer considered to be an affiliate or allied with ACORN and therefore can legally apply for and receive taxpayer monies.
According to the executive director or the Freedom Through Justice Foundation, Dan Epstein, the GAO’s interpretation of the law is ‘twisted’, saying:“The recent grant of $300,000 of taxpayer dollars to the Affordable Housing Centers of America reflects the degree to which the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has ignored the will of the Congress and the people it represents to stop wasting federal funds on organizations which have a history of mismanagement and fraud, ACORN, its affiliates and subsidiaries, represent the kind of fraud that put all Americans in this economic recession in the first place.”
Realizing that AHCOA is a Chicago based organization and Chicago being the home of one Barrack H. Obama, it’s no surprise that the current administration would try to find a way to divert taxpayer money to AHCOA. ACORN officials and their affiliates have not only been involved with fraud, but they have always been strong supporters of Obama and he still has ties with them.
Chicago politics has had a long history of corruption and graft. It seems that history is repeating itself only this time the corruption and graft extends all the way to the White House.
Read more: Taxpayer Monies Illegally Funding ACORN Affiliate | Godfather Politics
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