Tuesday, September 20, 2011

make mining's voice heard!

Help Stop EPA's Job-Destroying New Rules

The House of Representatives is set to vote this week on the "TRAIN Act", a bill that will slow down EPA's regulatory train wreck and determine whether EPA should go ahead with an onslaught of job-destroying regulations.

New EPA regulations that specifically target coal-fueled power plants, like the "MACT Rule" and the "Transport Rule", will significantly raise energy prices, impact the reliability of America's electricity supply and destroy hundreds of thousands of high-paying American jobs.
Despite dire warnings from America's mining, manufacturing and energy producers that this onslaught of regulations will significantly weaken economic growth, the EPA continues to push these burdensome regulations through without examining the consequences they will have on America's economic and global competiveness.
With over 26 million Americans now unemployed or underemployed, we have to make sure we are not adding unnecessary regulatory burdens at a time of much needed economic growth.

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