Monday, November 28, 2011

Congress's clear legislative authority

Dear Patriot,

When the framers wrote the Constitution, they intentionally designed checks and balances that would ensure that no one branch of government would become too strong. Among those checks and balances includes Congress's clear legislative authority. When it comes to writing laws, Congress is in charge.

But Barack Obama is attempting to change the paradigm in Washington and is exerting his authority in areas the founders did not intend. In 2010, we in the Tea Party sent new leaders to Washington, putting conservatives in charge in Congress. And now that Obama faces opposition in the House of Representatives, he is actively trying to circumvent Congress in order to advance his leftist, big-government agenda!

We elected conservatives to Congress to stand up for us and our principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility, and free markets, and we expect them to do just that! They cannot stand by and let Barack Obama use Executive Orders to circumvent the power intended for the people's representatives in Congress.

Congress must stand up to Barack Obama and not allow him to continue his unconstitutional power grab! Together we've sent 70,000 letters to Congress demanding they stand up to the President, and we know that we can get to 100,000 today if everyone who reads this email takes just a moment to sign our petition! You do not have to make a contribution to use our state-of-the-art petition system, but your generous donations allow us to offer all our services free of charge.

This country will not survive if the President is able to circumvent the constitutional checks on his power. Please, take just a moment to sign our petition today.

Thank you,
Todd Cefaratti
Freedom Organizer

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