Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Eric Holder: threat to our freedom.


Dear Patriot
Crimes were committed in the name of advancing an anti-gun agenda.
The longer these crimes go unanswered... the longer Attorney General Eric Holder stonewalls Congress... the greater the threat to our freedom.
Please watch the video I've attached for you. Holder's actions prove he can't be trusted with the sanctity of our freedoms, the powers of his office, or the lives of our law enforcement officers.
Help me send a message to President Obama. It's time to fire Eric Holder. Please make a donation of $10, $15, $20 or more to help us broadcast this video across America. And please, help spread the word and forward this video to friends and fellow gun owners.
Thank you.
Chris W. Cox
Executive Director

National Rifle Association - Institute for Legislative Action * 11250 Waples Mill Road * Fairfax, VA 22030
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