Monday, November 07, 2011

Remove Barack Obama

Remove Barack Obama Or The American People Will Remove You In 2012!

     And just why are we sending such a simple and harsh message to our Republican "leaders" in Congress? Because, quite frankly, they just don't get it.

     And if you're looking for evidence of the stench of idiocy and cowardice that has infected the halls of Congress, look no further that the following excerpt from The Hill:

"'Birtherism' reared its head in the waning hours of the Western Republican Leadership Conference when a participant asked Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Rep. David Schweikert (R-Ariz.) why they weren't pushing to impeach Obama for what he said were Obama's falsified citizenship documents."

     What followed in their responses was the most sickening display of how our Republican "leaders" view their duty to the Constitution and the American people. Rather than defend America in it’s time of greatest need or support the categorical evidence that Obama may have falsified his birth certificate and is ineligible to hold the office of President of the United States Schweikert and Lee demonstrated, by their own words and actions, exactly what is wrong in Washington.

     After patronizingly giving lip-service to the questioner that "he could be right," according to The Hill, Schweikert said he WOULD NOT pursue the matter because... wait until you hear this... he FEARED ALIENATING "Democrats who might vote Republican."

     Did you get that? Is Schweikert actually living under some delusion that it is more prudent to court the votes of people who will probably NEVER vote Republican anyway than affirm our Constitution and carry out the will of millions of patriotic Americans?

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