Monday, November 07, 2011

The Obama administration is trampling upon our religious liberties

Catholic Advocate

Dear Fellow Conservative:

We've been sounding the alarm for months about the Obama administration's blatant anti-faith policies. But now they've gotten so bad that even the liberal Washington Post has taken note!

It's no secret that Catholic groups on both sides of the aisle have, for some time now, believed that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is operating on an ABC policy...that is, "Anyone But Catholics." But, for the Washington Post to publish an article last week addressing the latest dispute between HHS and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops over human trafficking, slanted in favor of the bishops, says a lot.

The Obama administration is trampling upon our religious liberties, and we must fight back.  you have the opportunity to add your name to our petition demanding the President fulfill his promise to seek the common good on divisive issues. I hope you will take a moment to sign it.

Think about some of the policies that have taken root since Obama entered the White House:
  • No longer defending the Defense of Marriage Act;
  • Forcing private insurers to provide contraception like the morning after pill to women at no charge;
  • Reversing the ban on federal dollars from funding stem cell research;
  • Taking away health care providers' rights of conscience.
Other than the controversial spending and tax bills, these policies are the highlights of what the Obama administration has accomplished. This administration is leading America to a place where religious liberties do not exist, and if we're not vigilant, they'll try to take God away next. Are you comfortable with this?

I'm certainly not, and that's why I'm asking you to stand with Catholic Advocate as we work to hold the Obama administration accountable. 
When it comes to politics and faith, everyone looks towards evangelicals for answers on social issues. But the truth is, Catholics make up nearly a quarter of the electorate. This means people of all faiths who share our pro-life, pro-traditional marriage beliefs must rally together to hold the Obama administration accountable for taking away our rights.

Thank you in advance for your support.


Deal Hudson

Deal Hudson
President, Catholic Advocate

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