Director of Occupy Miami is Radical Muslim Who Wants to Nuke Israel
Americans believe that the Occupy movements are just about Wall Street,
banks, big business and the wealthy. However, others are using the
Occupy movement for completely different purposes
Did you know that the founder and spokesperson, Mohammad Malik of Occupy Miami is also the director of the south Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations?
Malik is also well known for his involvement in several other radical Islamic organizations. He is also a very outspoken hater of Israel. At one anti-Israeli protest, Malik was seen wearing Hamas clothing and leading the protesters chanting “Nuke Israel” and “Go back to the oven!” Malik was referring to the Jewish Holocaust when Nazi Germany sent over six million Jews to their deaths in the gas chambers and ovens.
In 2010, Malik held a Council on American-Islamic Relations dinner where the keynote speaker was an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Siraj Wahhaj has repeatedly called for the Islamic overthrow of the United States by whatever means possible and he has openly defended the convicted bombers in the World Trade Center attack.
It should also be no surprise to know that Malik is an ardent supporter of a free Palestinian state. Malik has been quoted numerous times in the local Miami media and he has done nothing to hide it or his hatred for Jews and Israel. He even blames Israel for most of the terrorism in the world, which I find rather curious since the vast majority of terrorist attacks have been launched by radical Muslims against non-Jewish targets.And if you think that Malik and his involvement in Occupy Miami is an isolated case, think again. Occupy New York has held several anti-Israel protests as well. One of those that have been involved with leading some of the anti-Israeli protests is Fenton Communications, headed by David Fenton.
Fenton also works closely with the George Soros funded Tides Center. Both Fenton and Tides have been supporters of Hamas, a Palestinian free state and the ending of the Israeli blockade of Gaza. Fenton Communications does business with a number of Islamic firms and organizations including one foundation run by Qatar’s ruler’s wife Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al-Missned.
Among Fenton’s staff is senior vice-president Doug Gordon, who spent time working on Capitol Hill and with the Democratic Party, as well as the top aide to Democratic Representative Dennis Kucinich of Ohio.
What once started out as a simple protest by mostly ill-educated socialists has now been turned into a platform for radical Muslims and their destroy America and Israel agenda. It’s no longer about the one percenters as much as it is about the American dissenters.
Did you know that the founder and spokesperson, Mohammad Malik of Occupy Miami is also the director of the south Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations?
Malik is also well known for his involvement in several other radical Islamic organizations. He is also a very outspoken hater of Israel. At one anti-Israeli protest, Malik was seen wearing Hamas clothing and leading the protesters chanting “Nuke Israel” and “Go back to the oven!” Malik was referring to the Jewish Holocaust when Nazi Germany sent over six million Jews to their deaths in the gas chambers and ovens.
In 2010, Malik held a Council on American-Islamic Relations dinner where the keynote speaker was an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Siraj Wahhaj has repeatedly called for the Islamic overthrow of the United States by whatever means possible and he has openly defended the convicted bombers in the World Trade Center attack.
It should also be no surprise to know that Malik is an ardent supporter of a free Palestinian state. Malik has been quoted numerous times in the local Miami media and he has done nothing to hide it or his hatred for Jews and Israel. He even blames Israel for most of the terrorism in the world, which I find rather curious since the vast majority of terrorist attacks have been launched by radical Muslims against non-Jewish targets.And if you think that Malik and his involvement in Occupy Miami is an isolated case, think again. Occupy New York has held several anti-Israel protests as well. One of those that have been involved with leading some of the anti-Israeli protests is Fenton Communications, headed by David Fenton.
Fenton also works closely with the George Soros funded Tides Center. Both Fenton and Tides have been supporters of Hamas, a Palestinian free state and the ending of the Israeli blockade of Gaza. Fenton Communications does business with a number of Islamic firms and organizations including one foundation run by Qatar’s ruler’s wife Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al-Missned.
Among Fenton’s staff is senior vice-president Doug Gordon, who spent time working on Capitol Hill and with the Democratic Party, as well as the top aide to Democratic Representative Dennis Kucinich of Ohio.
What once started out as a simple protest by mostly ill-educated socialists has now been turned into a platform for radical Muslims and their destroy America and Israel agenda. It’s no longer about the one percenters as much as it is about the American dissenters.
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