Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What the hell are we paying you for?

Chris Christie to Obama: ‘What the Hell Are We Paying You For?’

November 29, 2011
chris christie Chris Christie is well-known for his viral, tell-it-like-it-is clips. It’s part of the reason so many conservatives love him. And if they loved him before, they will likely fawn all over him again when they see his latest gem. During a press conference yesterday the New Jersey Gov. lashed out at Obama over the failure of the debt supercommittee: “What the hell are we paying you for?”
Politico has more of the quote:
Calling Obama “a bystander in the Oval Office,” the outspoken New Jersey governor said the White House spent the weekend tossing out a whole lot of “spin” about the supercommittee’s inability to come to an agreement before the Nov. 23 deadline.
“I was angry this weekend, listening to the spin coming out of the administration, about the failure of the supercommittee, and that the president knew it was doomed for failure, so he didn’t get involved. Well then what the hell are we paying you for?” Christie said during a press conference in Camden, N.J. “It’s doomed for failure so I’m not getting involved? Well, what have you been doing, exactly?”

White House Press Secretary Clueless

Written on by da Tagliare

White House Press Secretary Clueless on Kagan Recusal

There has been quite a bit of news lately about whether or not Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan should recuse herself from the court’s hearing of the constitutionality of Obamacare, specifically the insurance mandate.
In response to various lawsuits filed against the Department of Justice, numerous pages of documentation have been obtained that indicates that when Kagan was acting as the Solicitor General of the United States that she had been present on more than one occasion when Obamacare was discussed.  There is also been testimony by several people that they were present in meetings with Kagan and others when Obamacare was discussed.
In one of the newly released DOJ emails, Kagan wrote that she was quite enthusiastic for the passage of Obamacare or more precisely, the Affordable Care Act.  According to federal law, this email alone is sufficient grounds for a mandatory recusal of Kagan from the court’s hearing on the matter.Yet, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney has stated that it’s a mystery to him as why anyone would even question the need for Kagan to recuse herself from the hearings.  Is Carney totally clueless as to what is going on in the real world?  Or is this typical of the current President and his staff as they lie and deny obvious truth as if somehow their words will make it all go away?  They believe they are above the law and they obviously band together to pervert the justice system to declare them legal and right in order to further push their socio-communistic fascist ideas into action.

honor killings??????

Islamic immigration's effect on nations' laws
Chad Groening - OneNewsNow - 11/30/2011 3:50:00 AMBookmark and Share
Canada Family ActionIn light of the "honor killings" trial that is making front-page headlines in Canada, a pro-family leader is calling on the government to take a good, hard look at who it allows into the country.

Three Afghan immigrants -- a father, a mother, and a son -- are standing trial for the June 2009 murder of three daughters and the father's first wife. The suspects claim the deaths were an accident, but authorities believe the three daughters were victims of an honor killing plot because the Islamic family disapproved of their conduct, particularly the dating habits of the two oldest sisters.

Brian Rushfeldt, executive director of Canada Family Action (CFA), warns that the issue could soon become a widespread problem.

"What concerns me is we've got people immigrating to Canada, but they want to bring their own values and their own beliefs here and live in a country that promises them a lot, but they don't want to live by the law nor the values of the nation that they're coming to," he notes. "And somehow, our immigration department has to put a stop to that."

Rushfeldt believes the Conservative government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper is more likely to clamp down on immigration than is the United States.

"I think we are going to do a better job because we've got a government now and an immigration minister who is extremely dedicated to really reviewing all of the policies that have been in place under the Liberal government for 40 years," the pro-family leader suggests. "And he's taking some heat for the fact that he wants things changed. He wants better tracking of who actually is coming."

Like the U.S. and Western Europe, the CFA executive director laments that Canada's immigration policy has been gripped by political correctness.

A democracy requires accountability

Obama's cloud-based transparency
Michelle Malkin - Syndicated Columnist - 11/30/2011 9:40:00 AMBookmark and Share
columnists archives buttonMichelle MalkinAt the dawn of his administration, President Obama opined: "A democracy requires accountability, and accountability requires transparency." Magical rays of white-hot sunlight emanated from his media-manufactured halo. And then bureaucratically engineered darkness settled over the land.

For three years, White House officials have rolled out countless executive orders and initiatives touting open government. Just this week, they unveiled plans to move federal archival records from a paper-based to an electronic system. But behind the scenes, Obama's lawyers systematically have stymied public information requests, carved out crater-sized disclosure loopholes, fought subpoenas on scandals from Fast and Furious to Solyndra, and made routine the holiday document dump.

The latest meeting of the Government Accountability and Transparency Board, attended by Vice President Joe Biden, was closed to the press two weeks ago.

The Justice Department stealthily attempted to sabotage the Freedom of Information Act last month with a regulation change that would have allowed federal agencies to legally and deliberately deceive the public about the existence of requested records. After a massive backlash, DOJ retreated and sheepishly admitted that the license-to-lie rule "falls short" of the Obama "commitment" to transparency. (Actually, it's the perfect embodiment of the administration's contempt.) The same DOJ, it should be noted, banned reporters from a FOIA training workshop in 2009.

In October, the Interior Department and Energy Department spurned attempts to gain information about the administration's $1.2 billion loan guarantee to Democrat-connected solar company SunPower. The deal, championed by powerful Democratic Rep. George Miller III, was approved hours before the program expired on Sept. 30. Miller took Interior Secretary Ken Salazar on a tour of the SunPower plant last year; Miller's son is a lobbyist for SunPower. Conservative newspaper Human Events and the nonprofit legal watchdog group Judicial Watch have now filed several pending FOIA requests.

In September, State Department officials refused to go on record during a briefing on its new global government transparency program. Earlier this spring, a ceremony to honor Obama's commitment to openness was closed to the media -- after which dutiful (sup)press secretary Jay Carney boasted that his boss "has demonstrated a commitment to transparency and openness that is greater than any administration has shown in the past."

As evidence of this historic openness, Obama flacks point to farces like last week's Thanksgiving-timed release of White House visitor logs -- which even left-wing good government activists have criticized for their incompleteness. As the Center for Public Integrity reported earlier this year, the logs (which disclosure advocates forced into the public eye after suing) "routinely omit or cloud key details about the identity of visitors, whom they met with and the nature of their visits. The logs even include the names of people who never showed up. These are critical gaps that raise doubts about the records' historical accuracy and utility in helping the public understand White House operations, from social events to meetings on key policy debates."

Occasional holiday document dumps have always been a mainstay in Washington. But the agents of Hope and Change have turned the ritual into a weekly punch line. If it's Friday, it's dump day. The plan worked. As of Tuesday, no mainstream news outlet had reported on the contents of the Black Friday document trove.

None showed interest in the nearly 60 visits from Robert B. Creamer, a convicted felon and tax cheat, left-wing Huffington Post agitator, husband of Illinois Democratic Rep. Jan Schakowsky and vocal champion of the Occupy Wall Street movement. According to the newly released records I reviewed, Creamer was at the White House five times in August 2011 meeting with various officials, including Jon Carson, Cecilia Munoz and Stephanie Cutter.

Nor has there been interest outside conservative blogs in the five White House visits by former Deputy Attorney General Gary Grindler, a key Fast and Furious scandal bureaucrat, in July and August 2011, or in the five visits from former Solyndra CEO Brian Harrison, including on Aug. 18, 2011, just before the tax-subsidized firm declared bankruptcy.

Nor did any journalism ethics mavens show any curiosity whatsoever about the Aug. 5, 2011, appearance of MSNBC host Rachel Maddow and her party of seven (names not identified) to visit "POTUS." Maddow made no mention of the visit on her August 5 show, which promoted the latest batch of White House stimulus proposals. According to the White House logs I reviewed, this was Maddow's fifth trip to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. -- and the fourth to see the president personally.

Instead, as Newsbusters noted, a Washington Post political blogger was busy trolling Twitter for help digging up "outlandish/incorrect predictions from Newt Gingrich's past." And the only documents The New York Times is interested in crowd-sourcing are Sarah Palin's e-mails.

Team Obama's data whitewashers inside and outside the White House have given "cloud-based" a whole new meaning.


Monday, November 28, 2011

Good Riddance

Good Riddance, "Subprime" Barney Frank

November 28, 2011 BEGIN TRANSCRIPT
RUSH:  So Barney Frank is retiring from Congress.  He's not going to seek reelection.  He's gonna announce it in less than an hour -- well, he's announced it.  He's gonna tell us why in less than an hour.  I've been looking into this, and the basic reason, well, it's partly to spend more time with the family.  (laughing) What family?  I don't know, folks.  Figure it out.  It's a redistricting thing.  His district has been rewritten in such a way that he probably could not win it is what really has gone down there and that's pretty much it.  I don't know what he's gonna say.  He's not gonna say that as the reason.  But as far as I'm concerned, good riddance.  If there is a name that is singularly attached to this economic collapse via the subprime mortgage fiasco, it's Barney Frank, along with Chris Dodd as well and most elements of the Democrat Party back in the Clinton years moving forward.
Great to have you with us, folks.  Here we are, kicking off a brand-new week of broadcast excellence, El Rushbo here behind the Golden EIB Microphone.
If running a prostitution ring in your house couldn't make you resign, what does?  Wait.  Barney did not run the prostitution ring.  He said he didn't know that it was going on.  It was his partner at the time, Stephen Gobie.  Yeah.  Barney fixed parking tickets for the clientele at the house.  So if having a prostitution ring being run out of your basement couldn't embarrass you to retire, you do have to wonder what it is.  Look, I've looked into this, and I think it is a redistricting -- (interruption) no, he's not gonna go coach football, Snerdley.  What are you talking about?  Have you heard that?  I thought it was basketball.  Where is he gonna coach football?  Oh, don't get me started on that.  No, no, don't let me start the week with that kind of information.  Don't tell me that's true.  No, no, no, no, no. 
Anyway, we'll find out at one o'clock the reason.
I mean the media's shaken.  The Drive-Bys are terribly upset about this. It caught everybody by surprise.  It's gonna boil down to a redistricting thing where he, I'm sure, was not confident that he could win, pure and simple.  He had a very tough time last time.  He had a tough time last time, and that was in a district that was written for him.  They've gone from ten to nine districts in Massachusetts, and one of the districts took a major hit and a new shape, it was rewritten, new form.  Looked entirely different, it was Barney's.  I also think as part of this, Barney doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who wants to be part of an ongoing minority for an interminable number of years.  And he's gotta know what things are looking like for the Democrat Party in not just the House but the Senate, elections nationwide.
RUSH:  Barney Frank just said, among other things, the reason he's quitting Congress is that he's looked at it and he's convinced (impression), "The conservative Republicans will not raise taxes on the very rich. They're not gonna raise taxes, so I'm -- I'm quitting! I'm -- I'm -- I'm moving on! The -- the -- the -- the -- there's nothing for me here. It's just that there no tax increases, and therefore there's no reason to -- to -- to stay."

John Boehner must find his backbone

Cover-Up:Fast and Furious Documents Suddenly Sealed on Judge’s Orders

November 24, 2011

The case file concerning the Fast and Furious-spawned murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry has disappeared from federal court records.
According to the Arizona Star,  all of the case information gathered by federal prosecutors is now unavailable, “apparently sealed by a federal judge.”
“Our office is handling the case and can’t comment further,” said a spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney’s office in San Diego.
The prosecution of illegal alien Manuel Osorio-Arellanes for the December 2010 Terry killingwas originally to be handled by Phoenix U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke. But it was Burke’s office that meticulously directed the Arizona-based portion of the Fast and Furious gunwalking operation for Attorney General Eric Holder, advising Phoenix ATF Agent in Charge Bill Newell every step of the way in the “loss” of 2,000 firearms across the Mexican border.  When Burke resigned in a fit of panic as a result of the continuing investigation of his conspiratorial Fast and Furious misdeeds by the Grassley/Issa congressional committees,  the Terry case was transferred to San Diego.
And now the file is gone  along with every scrap of information it contained. How many key items,  how many records preserved in that file are certain to be removed and  “misplaced” by DOJ lackeys at the direction of Lanny Breuer, Attorney General Eric Holder’s personal Department of Justice toady? A third rifle has already disappeared from the murder scene, and three illegals known to have been armed while accompanying Osorio-Arellanes on the night of the killing have been deported,  charged only with immigration violations by the U.S. Immigration Service.
The next congressional hearing concerning Fast and Furious takes place on December 8th before the House Committee on Government Oversight. It is high time Republicans file charges against Regime operatives like Bill Newell, Dennis Burke, and Eric Holder. John Boehner must find his backbone and his voice!

These people are out of their minds!!!!!!!

‘One Day We Shall Kill All the Jews’: Muslim Brotherhood Holds Hateful Rally at Cairo Mosque

November 26, 2011
muslim brotherhood rally The Muslim Brotherhood turned a prominent Cairo mosque into the site of a hateful anti-Israel rally in Egypt Friday, with participants chanting “Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, judgement day has come“ and vowing ”one day we shall kill all the Jews.”
Some 5,000 worshipers had come to the mosque to pray, with the Brotherhood – poised to win big in Egypt’s parliamentary elections next week — then imploring them to stay to support the “battle against Jerusalem’s Judaization,” according to YNet News. The rally coincided with the anniversary of the 1947 U.N. partition plan calling for the establishment of a Jewish state.
YNet reported:
“In order to build Egypt, we must be one. Politics is insufficient. Faith in Allah is the basis for everything,” he said. “The al-Aqsa Mosque is currently under an offensive by the Jews…we shall not allow the Zionists to Judaize al-Quds (Jerusalem.) We are telling Israel and Europe that we shall not allow even one stone to be moved there.”
The Koran quote “one day we shall kill all the Jews” was repeated multiple times, and both Muslim Brotherhood spokesmen and Palestinian guest speakers called for jihad and for liberating the whole of Palestine, according to YNet. Additionally, businessmen in the crowd were told to invest their funds in Jerusalem to prevent Jews from acquiring land and homes.

Congress's clear legislative authority

Dear Patriot,

When the framers wrote the Constitution, they intentionally designed checks and balances that would ensure that no one branch of government would become too strong. Among those checks and balances includes Congress's clear legislative authority. When it comes to writing laws, Congress is in charge.

But Barack Obama is attempting to change the paradigm in Washington and is exerting his authority in areas the founders did not intend. In 2010, we in the Tea Party sent new leaders to Washington, putting conservatives in charge in Congress. And now that Obama faces opposition in the House of Representatives, he is actively trying to circumvent Congress in order to advance his leftist, big-government agenda!

We elected conservatives to Congress to stand up for us and our principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility, and free markets, and we expect them to do just that! They cannot stand by and let Barack Obama use Executive Orders to circumvent the power intended for the people's representatives in Congress.

Congress must stand up to Barack Obama and not allow him to continue his unconstitutional power grab! Together we've sent 70,000 letters to Congress demanding they stand up to the President, and we know that we can get to 100,000 today if everyone who reads this email takes just a moment to sign our petition! You do not have to make a contribution to use our state-of-the-art petition system, but your generous donations allow us to offer all our services free of charge.

This country will not survive if the President is able to circumvent the constitutional checks on his power. Please, take just a moment to sign our petition today.

Thank you,
Todd Cefaratti
Freedom Organizer

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Fenton and Tides have been supporters of Hamas


Director of Occupy Miami is Radical Muslim Who Wants to Nuke Israel

Most Americans believe that the Occupy movements are just about Wall Street, banks, big business and the wealthy.  However, others are using the Occupy movement for completely different purposes
Did you know that the founder and spokesperson, Mohammad Malik of Occupy Miami is also the director of the south Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations?
Malik is also well known for his involvement in several other radical Islamic organizations.  He is also a very outspoken hater of Israel.  At one anti-Israeli protest, Malik was seen wearing Hamas clothing and leading the protesters chanting “Nuke Israel” and “Go back to the oven!”  Malik was referring to the Jewish Holocaust when Nazi Germany sent over six million Jews to their deaths in the gas chambers and ovens.
In 2010, Malik held a Council on American-Islamic Relations dinner where the keynote speaker was an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.  Siraj Wahhaj has repeatedly called for the Islamic overthrow of the United States by whatever means possible and he has openly defended the convicted bombers in the World Trade Center attack.
It should also be no surprise to know that Malik is an ardent supporter of a free Palestinian state.  Malik has been quoted numerous times in the local Miami media and he has done nothing to hide it or his hatred for Jews and Israel.  He even blames Israel for most of the terrorism in the world, which I find rather curious since the vast majority of terrorist attacks have been launched by radical Muslims against non-Jewish targets.And if you think that Malik and his involvement in Occupy Miami is an isolated case, think again.  Occupy New York has held several anti-Israel protests as well. One of those that have been involved with leading some of the anti-Israeli protests is Fenton Communications, headed by David Fenton.
Fenton also works closely with the George Soros funded Tides Center.  Both Fenton and Tides have been supporters of Hamas, a Palestinian free state and the ending of the Israeli blockade of Gaza.  Fenton Communications does business with a number of Islamic firms and organizations including one foundation run by Qatar’s ruler’s wife Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al-Missned.
Among Fenton’s staff is senior vice-president Doug Gordon, who spent time working on Capitol Hill and with the Democratic Party, as well as the top aide to Democratic Representative Dennis Kucinich of Ohio.
What once started out as a simple protest by mostly ill-educated socialists has now been turned into a platform for radical Muslims and their destroy America and Israel agenda.  It’s no longer about the one percenters as much as it is about the American dissenters.

a direct attack against Christianity and Judaism

Cross Removed From Army Chapel in Afghanistan by Our Own Government

The Christian Post reports that “The U.S. Army has removed a cross that was prominently placed on the front of a chapel located at the remote base of Camp Marmal in Northern Afghanistan. . . . [O]fficials said that having a permanent sectarian image on the chapel violated army regulations. . . . One soldier referred to the decision and the regulation behind it as ‘a direct attack against Christianity and Judaism.’”
This isn’t the first time Christianity has been an issue in Afghanistan. Bibles translated into Afghan languages were sent to a U.S. soldier at a base in Afghanistan. Here’s how CNN reported the story in 2009:
Military personnel threw away, and ultimately burned, confiscated Bibles that were printed in the two most common Afghan languages amid concern they would be used to try to convert Afghans, a Defense Department spokesman said Tuesday.
The unsolicited Bibles sent by a church in the United States were confiscated about a year ago at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan because military rules forbid troops of any religion from proselytizing while deployed there, Lt. Col. Mark Wright said.
Such religious outreach can endanger American troops and civilians in the devoutly Muslim nation, Wright said.
So it’s OK to blow up stuff and shoot and kill Afghans, but it’s illegal to share the gospel with them. We have traded bullets for the “gospel of peace” (Eph. 6:15).
America has been compromising its Christian heritage with Islamic nations for more than two centuries. It didn’t work then, and it’s not going to work now. Europe abandoned its Christian heritage long ago in the name of religious pluralism, adopted secularism as a state religion, and if demographic reports are accurate will be Islamic in less than 50 years. Playing the neutrality game is having an impact, and it’s not a good one. “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap” (Gal. 6:7).
Soldiers during World War I were presented with New Testaments that had Micah 6:8 inserted in them: “He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” What our government understood in the early part of the 20th century, it now rejects.
Many secularists on the Right believe they will be able to change societies by force forced democracy rather than the heart-changing effect of the gospel. Secularists on the Left believe they will do it with reason and science. Good luck with both extremes.
One supporter of the Afghan Bible ban wrote the following to me after reading a short article I had written making people aware of the story:
You must be out of your mind! Any . . . conversion effort by the soldiers would be considered an affront and negate much of the good work being done over there. They would be considered “crusaders” and another proof of this and play right into Al-Qaeda hands. Obviously you do not appreciate the sensitivity of the situation and the necessity of walking the line of neutrality. The best “sermon” is to do a good job, help with the reconstruction, and police the country.
Jesus did a good job, fed the people, and healed the sick and raised the dead, and He was still crucified. Like in Jesus’ day, a few terrorists are keeping the only thing that will transform the Middle East from the people.
It’s not just soldiers who are denied the right to present the gospel in Muslim nations. Just being a Christian in a Muslim nation of which you are a citizen can get you thrown in jail or worse. Foreign aid workers who have no link to our military are under constant threat if it is perceived that they might present the gospel. Christian minorities are persecuted on a regular basis. Some have had their apartments searched for Bibles and other Christian literature. Converting to Christianity can get a Muslim convert the death penalty.We’ve seen this type of persecution before, and it didn’t stop the spread of the gospel. Peter and John were arrested “because they were teaching the people and proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection of the dead” (Acts 4:2). They were on trial “for a benefit done to a sick man” who had been made well (4:9). Even after seeing the healed man in their midst, the religious leaders “threatened them further” (4:21). Even good works did not persuade these religious leaders to embrace the gospel.
The apostles later were arrested and put “in a public jail” (5:18) and given orders to stop “teaching in this name” (5:28). Peter then utters the classic response: “We must obey God rather than men” (5:29).
A flogging couldn’t get them to stop proclaiming the gospel message (5:40). And neither could executions, first Stephen (7:54–6) and then James the brother of John (12:2). It didn’t take long before the gospel became a threat to the political establishment of the day. Throughout the period of Jewish persecution, the gospel was never compromised. Even with the rise of Roman civil prosecution, the outward witness of the church continued. The word neutrality was not in their vocabulary, no matter what the bloody consequences. The world was changed by their efforts.
The attempt to appease and mollify Muslims by America muting its religious heritage has a long history. In 1797 a treaty was made with the Islamic leadership of Tripoli that stated that “the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion.” Of course, this was false given the official documents, charters, state constitutions, and calls for national days of prayer and thanksgiving. But to appease the Barbary pirates and their Muslim protectors, the statement was put in the treaty. Did it work? No! Did the Muslim pirates stop kidnapping Christians from ships that sailed near the coast of northern Africa because of the treaty? No! They saw the accommodation as a sign of weakness and a lack of will. If Americans were willing to give up the sacredness of their religion for the promise of peace, then they would be willing to give up everything. The pirates did not stop their pirating ways.
It did not take long for American government officials to see that religious and other concessions did little good to stop the piracy and kidnapping. America had been paying ransom since 1785 for survivors of captured ships who had been sold into slavery. This stopped in 1801 when the Pasha of Tripoli broke the treaty because President Thomas Jefferson refused to pay the Pasha’s demands for increased payments. The Treaty was renegotiated in 1805 after the First Barbary War. There would be no more compromises regarding the Christian religion with the Barbary extortionists. The statement that “the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion” was removed from the 1805 Treaty. With a navy to back up the treaty, the piracy stopped for a time and was finally stamped out in 1815 with the Second Barbary War.
For years secularists have tried to use the 1797 Treaty with Tripoli as evidence that the founding of America had nothing to do with the Christian religion. A more thorough study of the Treaty and the history behind it tells a different story. One big lesson of that history is that the United States government hasn’t learned much since 1797 in dealing with radical Islam. Destroying “the sword of the spirit” (Eph. 6:17) which is able to pierce “as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Heb. 4:12) will only lead to ongoing wars with bullets, missiles, tanks, and worse.
To learn the true story behind this controversial subject, download a FREE copy of the book America’s 200-Year War with Islamic Terror: The Strange Case of the Treaty of Tripoli.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Mr. Trump holds nothing back in blaming Mr. Obama

Political Insight and Analysis From The Wall Street Journal's Capital Bureau

Trump Threatens to Spend Millions on a Presidential Run

He’s done it before, and he’s doing it again.

In his new book, “Time to Get Tough,” Donald Trump lashes into President Barack Obama and threatens to run against him next year if the Republicans don’t nominate a strong candidate.
Beating the drum even louder, Mr. Trump details his net worth—which he puts at $7 billion—and says he’s prepared to pour a large chunk of his $270 million in liquid assets into a presidential bid. (Mr. Trump values the Trump brand alone at $3 billion.)
“He’s prepared to finance an independent run for president if he’s not satisfied with the Republican nominee,” says the real estate mogul’s right-hand man, Michael Cohen.
Mr. Trump made noises about a presidential campaign this spring, including a high-profile, campaign-style jaunt aboard his personal jet to New Hampshire. But he decided instead to stick to his business enterprises and his reality TV show.
In the book, due out next month, Mr. Trump holds nothing back in blaming Mr. Obama for all that ails the economy. He claims Mr. Obama has spent much of his time traveling “around the world apologizing for the country” and “playing nice with China.”
Book tours and presidential campaigns have become almost synonymous this year. Mr. Cohen says the book would segue well into a presidential bid. “This is a very political book,” he says.
Meanwhile, Mr. Cohen claims he is doing all the necessary advance work, just in case his boss does pull the trigger — a decision Mr. Cohen says will come “in the first week in June.”
“I already mapped out everything that has to be done to be an effective candidate and what we’d have to do to get on the ballot on all 50 states,” Mr. Cohen says.
The Trump aide declined to elaborate on which GOP candidates would draw Mr. Trump’s ire, and a possible independent challenge. But he did hint that the billionaire wouldn’t run against Newt Gingrich. “He and Newt are close,” Mr. Cohen said.

We’re not gonna take it,

David Whelan
David Whelan, Forbes Staff
Health care cost and quality, entrepreneurship, and business stories.
11/16/2011 @ 10:24PM |2,097 views

The AMA Finally Takes A Stand Against ObamaCare Thinking In Washington

In two years Medicare plans to force all of its providers to move from a billing system that uses 13,000 diagnosis codes (ICD-9) to one that uses 68,000 (ICD-10).
Hospitals, doctors and other medical providers aren’t thrilled. Will they be able to find capable coders? Will the change require system downtime, software expenses, and breaks in their revenue cycle? One study found that the cost of upgrading to ICD-10 would be $83,000 for a three doctor practice and $285,000 for a ten doctor practice.
Nobody’s made a great case for why ICD-10 is a good idea, except that it would make U.S. and European coding equivalent. Comparative public health research would become easier, but at a huge unfunded cost.
The American Medical Association has been watching the ICD-10 debate. Yesterday it decided to turn its House of Delegates meeting into a production of The Who’s Tommy. We’re not gonna take it, said the much-put-upon doctors. AMA members voted to “work vigorously to stop implementation of ICD-10.”
What’s interesting is that it marks the first time a major health care lobby has come out against the coding change. It also a sign of growing resistance to policy makers practicing medicine without a license.
The Administration, between the stimulus bill and ObamaCare, has jammed a number of “reforms” down doctors throats with nary a gag. Since 2009 doctors have been told that they can’t own their own hospitals, they must use expensive and often buggy electronic health records, they have to work for 29.5% less, and they must kiss the rings of local hospitals and HMOs to form dubious partnerships called ACOs. Soon they will have to seek approval for treatments from an unelected 12-member panel of experts in rationing care.
Doctors might have gotten off easy with only a 2,400 page reform bill. Heath czars have toyed with all sorts of gimmicks but for a stroke of a pen and the coercive power of Medicare, would have been imposed on 750,000 practicing physicians. Remember Peter Orszag’s op-ed that hospitals are understaffed on the weekends? Docs are lucky Orszag was already out of the White House and interviewing for his current job as a Citigroup lobbyist when he wrote that. Otherwise they might be punching their time cards seven days a week while also taking a pay cut.
It’s not clear to me why the ICD-10 rule is what finally pushed the AMA over the edge. Perhaps the usually compliant lobby is emboldened by the the imminent leadership change at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid. Donald Berwick will likely step aside in January when his recess nomination expires. Or perhaps the AMA is thinking bigger. There could be more dramatic personnel changes in Washington in the next year or two. You never know.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

People want stability

"Everything about Obama is an assumption.  Our economy is suffering in part because of the unpredictability of the Obama regime, both domestically and in the area of foreign policy.  It's foreign policy which clearly suffers from the unpredictability of the Obama regime. People want stability." -Rush

Barney Frank: Some Members of Congress are Vegetables (So, Others are Fruits?)

If you want Christmas, it's not there

Boycott Walgreens, this year's Christmas Scrooge

November 21, 2011

Dear Friend,

Yesterday, Walgreens placed a 24-page circular in newspapers all across America. It had all the festive markings of that day known as...Holiday?
It's true! At Walgreens, they advertise "Holiday Candy," "Holiday Gift Tags," "Holiday Gift Wrap," "Holiday Decor," "Holiday Accessories," "Holiday Nuts and Snacks" and "Holiday Hats and Stockings." But no Christmas! In total, Walgreens used the term "holiday" 36 times, rather than using "Christmas."
Oh, the trees advertised in their circular? It's just "Prelit" trees.
Go to Walgreens' website and you can shop their "Holiday Shop" and take advantage of their "Holiday Shipping." If you want Christmas, it's not there.
At Walgreens, Christmas doesn't exist! Walgreens wants you to do your "Christmas" shopping with them, while refusing to recognize that Christmas even exists.
Walgreens doesn't want to offend non-Christians by using the word Christmas. The fact that they're censoring the use of Christmas and might offend Christians by doing so seems to be of no importance.

a Super Committee is idiotic

Are Republicans Committing Political Suicide?

The idea of a Super Committee is idiotic. It’s a way to blame shift, to pass the buck so only a few have to take responsibility for an unpopular vote. A good constitutionalist could make a case that the entire process is unconstitutional. Each one of our Congressmen are to represent us, not a committee of Congressmen.
Now we learn that House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) were not among the 72 House Republicans who signed a letter to the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction asking the committee not to call for increasing taxes. In fact, there are 172 Republicans who have not signed the anti-tax pledge.
Republicans seem always to fall into the Democrat trap that if you wait out the Republicans and throw a great deal of negative press at them with the help of the almost totally liberal media, Republicans will eventually cave into Democrat demands. Democrats know they can relax because in the end, Republicans don’t like to be thought ill of. They have a terrible inferiority complex. They want to be liked; they need to be liked.
I live in the district that was formally represented by Larry McDonald. Rep. McDonald was a Democrat in the tradition of Thomas Jefferson. He, like Ron Paul, was a medical doctor. Like Ron Paul, McDonald was called “Dr. No” because he voted against every government program that could not be supported by the Constitution, even if the vote would have benefitted his district.Unlike Ron Paul, McDonald understood the reality of foreign threats and believed it was necessary to defend against the possibility of that threat becoming a reality. He did not trust the notion that if we leave them alone that they’ll leave us alone.
Larry McDonald was aboard KAL Flight 007 on September 1, 1983 when it was shot down by the Soviet Union over the Sea of Japan. All 269 passengers and crew aboard were killed. His mistrust of aggressive foreign powers was no illusion.
Just like the memory of Larry McDonald has been lost on most Americans, there are still too many rhetorical conservatives who have forgotten McDonald’s principled voting record when it came to taxes. Cut taxes, cut spending. That’s how you run a country.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Let's take these son-of-a-b*tches out ...!"

How America's labor unions serve as ground troops for the radical left

While running for the presidency, Barack Obama made a mysterious and bizarre campaign promise.

He said that as president he would create "a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded" as the U.S. military, to advance his "objectives" for America.

The astonishing announcement, made July 2, 2008, to an audience in Colorado Springs, was ignored by virtually the entire media – except WND. Nobody bothered to ask Obama specifically what he meant, or how he could possibly assemble and fund such a massive civilian army, or why – and he never spoke of it again.

Fast-forward to late 2011.

"President Obama, this is your army! We are ready to march! Let's take these son-of-a-b*tches out ...!"

That was Teamsters union president James Hoffa, addressing a large Labor Day rally at which Obama also spoke, proclaiming brazenly what leftist radicals have long understood: America's largest labor unions – especially the huge government employee unions like the 3-million-member National Education Association and 2-million-member Service Employees International Union – provide battalions of ground troops in the ongoing war to "fundamentally transform" America into a socialist utopia.

"But wait," you might ask. "I know most unions lean left, some engage in street tactics and their dues strongly support Democrats. But what about Obama's statement that his civilian army would be 'well-funded' by the government?"

As the scathing November 2011 issue of Whistleblower proves, "OBAMA'S ARMY" is very large – and very well-funded.

In fact, from Day One the Obama administration has been generously "funding" the union army. From the General Motors bailout, which blatantly favored union workers, to Obamacare, whose burdensome new regulations don't apply to many unions thanks to special White House waivers exempting them; from Obama's early executive order requiring all federal agencies to accept construction bids only from contractors who agree to use union workers, to packing the D.C. bureaucracy with union officials – the Obama regime has been characterized by non-stop union payoffs, special treatment, insider access and blatant power grabs. All in return for their undying loyalty and service in "OBAMA'S ARMY."

Today, in a ghoulish, inverted mirror-image of the tea party, Americans are witnessing the "occupation" of its major cities by thousands of demonstrators – instigated in part by top union agitators like the SEIU's Stephen Lerner, and funded by leftist billionaire activist George Soros.

Highlights of "OBAMA'S ARMY" include:
  • "Hoffa to Teamster 'army': 'Take these SOBs out'" by Drew Zahn. Vice President Joe Biden later amped up Hoffa's threats, calling opponents "barbarians" who had "declared war" on unions
  • "Obama offers perks to college kids to join his 'army'" by Chelsea Schilling, on youngsters earning credit for pushing "change" and working on advancing Obama's agenda
  • "Unions preparing for street chaos" by Aaron Klein, revealing how Obama-tied radicals are planning major disruptions in the coming election year
  • "Union thugs still rely on intimidation and violence" by Art Moore, who shows that despite thousands of violent union incidents, only 3 percent end up in conviction
  • "Tea party v. the Wall Street occupiers" by Joseph Farah, on the remarkable differences between the two groups
  • "Largest U.S. union behind Mideast riots?" by Aaron Klein, on one labor group's sordid ties to an organization targeting America's anti-terror ally
  • "How public employee unions really work" by Patrice Lewis, a simple primer on corrupt and fraudulent collective bargaining
  • "Public-sector unions choke taxpayers" by John Stossel, on how politicians obtain union political support by granting government workers generous pensions and health benefits, leaving taxpayers liable for trillions in unfunded promises
  • "Union gangsters" by Matthew Vadum – profiles in greed and obsession with power
  • "Obamacare was tailored to benefit labor" by Bob Unruh, on how unions helped write the unpopular law – and then got themselves exempted from it
  • "The Communist Party's huge role in the U.S. labor movement" by Art Moore, on how union after union has deep roots in anti-American, anti-capitalist ideology
  • "Ronald Reagan v. Hollywood's labor unions" by David Kupelian, on how Reagan got his start in politics, and in fighting communism
  • "Meet the extremist group in charge of teaching your children" by Phyllis Schlafly, exposing the National Education Association as far-left, anti-parent, pro-feminist, pro-homosexual
  • "Hey, unions: There's no free lunch" by Thomas Sowell, who shows how unions "specialize in siphoning off wealth created by others"
  • "Chicago union chiefs get $56 million personal gift from lawmaker buddies" – just a little perk on the taxpayers' dime
  • "When private parties talk, unions protest" by Herman Cain, who assures readers, "This type of liberal lunacy and attempted intimidation is not going to work"
  • "Even FDR was against public-sector unions" by James Sherk, a comprehensive look at why giving government employees collective-bargaining power is a major disaster
  • … and much more!

the super committee didn't do anything

There Will Be No Spending Cuts! Even with Sequestration, Spending Will Go Up 16%

I will continue to enforce both state and federal laws

Dear Fellow Conservative,

Barack Obama's Justice Department has sued me for enforcing illegal immigration laws as Sheriff. They even opened a "civil rights" investigation into my policies, and have worked hand-in-hand with the ultra-liberal ACLU to bring a lawsuit against Arizona for passing a tough anti-illegal immigration law.

Now the Obama administration is pushing to grant a back-door amnesty program to those who break the law by entering this country illegally.

I won't be intimated by the Obama Justice Department, just as I won't be intimated by the Mexican Drug Cartel's placing a $1 million bounty on my head or the daily death threats I receive for doing the job I was elected to do! I pledge to you I will continue to enforce both state and federal laws against illegal immigration without apology, but I can't hold the line alone. We need to elect more men and women who will enforce our existing laws and hold illegal immigrants accountable for their actions. That's why I launched Joe PAC.

This political action committee will support candidates and causes that promote border security and combating illegal immigration. Further, the mission of JoePAC will be to identify and support candidates that also espouse the principles of less government, cutting wasteful spending and promoting real private sector job growth through tax cuts and the elimination of burdensome regulations.

America desperately needs a stronger conservative voice in Washington sounding the alarm on this issue, 

After almost fifty years in law enforcement (many of those as an official with the US Justice Department) and eighteen years as an elected Sheriff, I know a thing or two about the open-borders and amnesty crowd that want their elected officials to look the other way, be silent and allow illegal immigration and human smuggling to continue, while ignoring the laws of our land.

I've never been that kind of Sheriff, and I never will be. I won't back down and surrender to Obama, left-wing politicians and thugs, but I realize the county I represent in Arizona is only small part of the whole picture. We need elected officials in all 50 states at the local, state and federal level who will enforce the laws and fight against illegal immigration. That's why I need your help.

It seems that almost every day a candidate for public office calls me to seek my endorsement. I'm proud to support so many great candidates. But I want to do more than just lend my name to their brochure. I want to make sure they have the financial resources to actually have a winning campaign.

Thank you in advance for your support.


Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Maricopa County, Arizona

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Kagan personally strategized

NEW PETITION! Ask Congress to impeach Justice Elena Kagan if she refuses to recuse herself from hearing the Obamacare case NFIB v. Sebelius. Please select, sign, and WE WILL FAX your petition to all 535 members of Congress (saving you time!)

Justice Elena Kagan won't recuse herself from deciding Obamacare case. Take action!

Associate Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan has declined to recuse herself from ruling on the upcoming Obamacare case NFIB v. Sebelius, to be decided next summer, joined by 26 states arguing that abortion-funding nationalized health insurance is unconstitutional.

A new poll shows 47% oppose Obamacare, 42% favor, and 11% are undecided. But Justice Elena Kagan recently declined to recuse herself from deciding this case.

Kagan personally strategized, and her office lobbied to pass the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" (Obamacare) when she served as President Obama's Solicitor General, making Kagan highly biased today. How can a judge impartially decide whether a law she helped write and lobbied to pass is valid? She cannot.

Federal law requires judges recuse themselves in such cases, so KAGAN NOW VIOLATES THE LAW AND SHOULD BE IMPEACHED if she refuses to recuse.

Friends, we fought against the pro-abortion funding provisions of Obamacare by faxing over a million petitions to Congress. We fought against Kagan's appointment to the Supreme Court with nearly a quarter million petitions. We helped persuade 26 state attorneys general to join the lawsuit NFIB v. Sebelius to defeat Obamacare in court.

We're now joining the final battle at the Supreme Court of the United States, to defeat Obamacare permanently, but one biased Justice Elena Kagan could decide our fate.

We've created a BRAND-NEW PETITION to all 535 members of the House and Senate, first delivered by fax to both Judiciary Committees and to Justice Kagan herself. We're joining 40+ other organizations who co-signed a similar letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-TX, 202-225-4236), demanding hearings. We're adding to this our own demand that Congress impeach and remove Kagan from office if she won't recuse herself, because she now violates the law she has sworn to uphold.

Let's take one final stand against Obamacare. Take action today...

SELECT HERE TO SIGN PETITION, and we will instantly fax all 535 Congressmen and Senators demanding impeachment hearings if Justice Elena Kagan does not recuse herself from the Obamacare case NFIB v. Sebelius. (Saving you much time and postage!)

Our petition reads: "Justice Kagan is biased and cannot fairly decide this case, because as President Obama's Solicitor General she was directly involved in promoting and defending the 'Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act' (Obamacare).

"Justice Kagan herself admitted during her Supreme Court Confirmation hearings before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee that she was present for 'at least one' meeting in which the PPACA litigation was discussed. Documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act indicate Justice Kagan actively participated with her Obama Administration colleagues in formulating a defense of the PPACA.

"Her former deputy at OSG, Neal Katyal openly admits this, and should be subpoenaed and forced to turn over all records. Katyal's emails stated in January 2010 that: 'Elena would definitely like OSG to be involved in this set of issues.' Then after the first strategy meeting, Katyal emphasized his interest in getting her entire office 'heavily involved even in the dct' [District Court].

"Kagan personally appointed Katyal in early 2010 to meet and discuss strategy for defending the health care bill from anticipated legal challenges. Katyal's emails say 'Absolutely right on. Let's crush them. I'll speak to Elena and designate someone,' after which Kagan designated Katyal, confirming her own desire to 'crush' the opponents of Obamacare.

"U.S. Law, 28 U.S.C. § 455(b)(3) mandates that a judge or justice recuse themselves if the justice has 'served in governmental employment and in such capacity participated as counsel, advisor or material witness concerning the proceeding or expressed an opinion concerning the merits of the particular case in controversy.'

"Please hold HEARINGS, IMPEACH and REMOVE Justice Elena Kagan from her office if she declines to recuse herself from any Obamacare case, like NFIB v. Sebelius."

SELECT HERE TO SIGN PETITION, and we will instantly fax all 535 Congressmen and Senators demanding impeachment hearings if Justice Elena Kagan does not recuse herself from the Obamacare case NFIB v. Sebelius. (Saving you much time and postage!)

Friends, our Supreme Court will soon decide if Obamacare and it's pro-abortion tax-funding is Constitutional. Let's take a stand today, and demand Justice Kagan recuse herself, or face impeachment hearings.
God Bless you, in Jesus' name,

Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt

Friday, November 18, 2011

what one considers "rich."

A lesson in economic for 'Occupiers'
Chris Woodward - OneNewsNow - 11/18/2011 4:05:00 AMBookmark and Share
tax time bigAn economics professor says the "Occupy Wall Street" movement and its splinter protests are confusing "wealth" with "income."

In a recent podcast for The Cato Institute, Donald Boudreaux of George Mason University explained the difference between wealth and income. "Wealth is a stock of things that you've either been given -- or in some cases stolen -- or that you've accumulated in the past. And income is the earnings off of that [wealth]," he explains.

As for the so-called "one percent" of the population that Occupiers claim is rich and makes all the money, Boudreaux says that depends on what one considers "rich."

"You're in the top one percent in the United States if your income is at or over ... $324,000 a year," he states. "That's certainly a nice level of income, but it's hardly filthy rich. You're not set for life by earning one year of that income."

Donald Boudreaux (Cato Institute)Boudreaux also explains that the top one percent is volatile, pointing to an IRS study of tax returns from individuals and households from 1996 through 2005.

"Fifty-seven percent of the people who were in the top one percent in 1996 were not in the top one percent nine years later," says the econ professor. "They moved -- which means that other people who were not in that top one percent [in 1996] had moved into that top one percent spot by 2005."

Boudreaux says the same study showed tax filers in the bottom level of income distribution saw their incomes grow by 91 percent in inflation-adjusted terms -- and people in the top one percent saw their incomes fall around 30 percent over that same nine-year period.

Kagan seems to have lied under oath

Did Justice Kagan Commit Perjury?

A stunning 2010 e-mail exchange between Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan and Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Tribe has come to light. Prior to her confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee in June 2010 for her nomination to the Supreme Court, Kagan let Mr. Tribe know that she was delighted with the vote on nationalized healthcare that had just passed. “I hear they have the votes, Larry!! Simply amazing,” Kagan said to Tribe in one of the emails. It’s obvious by their email exchange that Kagan was expressing her very positive opinion of the legislation.
Certainly the Obama Administration knew her opinion on the then pending legislation. Was she picked because she had expressed her opinion? If so, then her testimony at her Supreme Court confirmation hearings was a sham. CNSNews reports the following:
On July 13, 2010, during her confirmation process, the Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee sent Kagan a letter asking her a series of questions probing her possible involvement in health care legislation or litigation during her time as solicitor general. The senators asked: “Have you ever been asked about your opinion regarding the underlying legal or constitutional issues related to any proposed health care legislation, including but not limited to Pub. L. No. 111-148, or the underlying legal or constitutional issues related to potential litigation resulting from such legislation?”The senators also asked Kagan: “Have you ever offered any views or comments regarding the underlying legal or constitutional issues related to any proposed health care legislation, including but not limited to Pub. L. No. 111-148, or the underlying legal or constitutional issues related to potential litigation resulting from such legislation?”
Kagan’s written response to both questions was: “No.”
Here’s the problem. According to 28 USC 455, a Supreme Court justice must recuse from “any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.” The law also says a justice must recuse anytime he has “expressed an opinion concerning the merits of the particular case in controversy” while he “served in governmental employment.” At the time, Kagan was serving as Solicitor General.
The recusal does not go far enough. Kagan seems to have lied under oath when she was questioned on whether she offered any view on the healthcare legislation that had passed. She had. If she was elated that the legislation had passed, then that was an indication that in her mind the legislation was constitutionally sound.

Read more: Did Justice Kagan Commit Perjury? | Godfather Politics

repeal of Obamacare

Written on by Giacomo

Tea Party “Balanced Budget in Four Years”

While most American’s believe that the nation has slid too far down the road to economic ruin, hope still exists in the minds of some.  Not only do they believe that there is light at the end of the tunnel, but the tunnel is much shorter than most would realize.
The Tea Party Debt Commission has drafted a plan to balance the US budget by 2015.  They are hoping to be able to influence the Supercommittee this next Tuesday when they present their plan to Congress with the help of Republican Senator Mike Lee from Utah.
The Tea Party Commission’s Plan is a project of FreedomWorks.  Their plan is similar to that of a surgeon trying to save a morbidly obese person by first performing radical surgery to remove large sections of fat and then perform a gastric bypass to force the patient’s body to drastically lose weight and slim down to a healthy and manageable lifestyle.
Their fat removal starts with the elimination of the Departments of Energy, Education, Commerce and Housing and Urban Development.  The next excisions would be the repeal of Obamacare, the elimination of farm subsidies, green technology initiatives, student loans, foreign aid and the dethroning of all of Obama’s czar positions.A result of their plan with the radical government surgery is that there will be no increases in Social Security payroll taxes nor any cuts in Social Security benefits.  The plan will allow workers under the age of thirty to deposit money into a personal retirement account, and the retirement age would remain the same as it is currently.  It will also allow senior citizens on Medicare to opt into the same health care program that members of Congress use.
According to the document, “Imagine a plan that slows the numbers on the National Debt Clock to a crawl, and then brings them to a halt, and then shifts them into reverse.”
However, like many morbidly obese people, they say they want help to reverse their life threatening condition, but often refuse to take the sweeping measures necessary to do anything about it.  We will have to see just how many politicians are willing to save the patient and how many will continue to gorge themselves until the body (nation) dies.