Wednesday, October 19, 2011

this movement blames Wall Street and the wealthy

Who Do You Blame? Wall Street or Washington DC?

For the past month, the news on TV and online has been flooded with the Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Chicago, Occupy, Occupy, Occupy.  We all know that this movement blames Wall Street and the wealthy for all of our economic woes.  We also see that most of those joining in the movement seem to be more liberal leftists, socialist and those that have always wanted the government to provide everything for them.
But who do you blame and who do you think the average American blames?
In the latest USA Today and Gallup survey, more Americans blame Washington DC for the economic conditions of our nation.  When asked to pick between the big financial companies or the federal government, 64% of the people surveyed said the federal government was more to blame for the current state of the economy while only 30% said it was the financial industry.
One of the main issues raised by the Occupiers is that all of America is being treated unfairly by the financial world.  Yet when that question was raised in the survey, 54% said they believe the economic system is fair while only 44% said it is unfair.
When asked about their opinions about the Occupy Wall Street movement, 42% of the Democrats said they supported it while only 9% of Republicans say they support the protest movement.The survey, conducted one month into the Occupy Wall Street protest demonstrates that the 99 percenters should only be calling themselves the 44 percenters.  The majority of Americans do not agree with the Occupy group’s target of blame nor do they feel they are being treated unfairly by the financial world.  They do not represent even half of the American people as a whole.
It always seems to be a vocal few that create so much trouble and controversy for everyone else.  They always claim to be saying what all of America wants to say, but that has never been the case.  From the free love and anti-war protests of the 1960’s and the anti-Christian and anti-Bible movement that started in the 1960’s and continues today to the pro gay rights movement of the past decade, it’s always a loud minority that insists on having their way shoved down the throats of the sadly apathetic majority which results in changing the course of history and our nation’s path to eventual destruction.
I fully support the right to protest of the Occupy movement, but I absolutely detest their claim that they are representing me in blaming the wrong people responsible for our current state of economy.

Read more: Who Do You Blame? Wall Street or Washington DC? | Godfather Politics

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