Friday, October 14, 2011

5.5 hours of leisure time


We are not really busy, busy, busy

Friday 14 October 2011
The Dutch spend an average of six hours a day on work, education and household tasks, 50 minutes below the European average, according to research by the government's socio-cultural advisory group SCP.
It is the first time the SCP has compared the way people in the Netherlands spend their day with those in 15 other EU countries.
The research also shows the Dutch have an average 5.5 hours of leisure time, 30 minutes more than other countries.
The figures dispel the popular myth that we are 'druk, druk, druk' (busy, busy, busy), the SCP says.
However, the Dutch do spend an average of 1.5 hours a day moving from place to place, 15 minutes longer than other countries. We also spend the longest on a bike - an average of 15 minutes a day.

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