Monday, October 17, 2005

The fish may be far

"The fish may be far away, yet when a sweet, savory and attractive bait is thrown in the water, they hastily rise to it from all quarters. Similarly, God approaches quickly the holy devotee whose heart is full of devotion and faith."Ramakrishna
Certain beings of pure consciousness live so deep in the ocean of reality, that they never encounter the net, which is cast in shallower waters. These are the ever perfect souls, such as the ancient Narada, the adept of pure love who first brought humankind the path of love. These ever-free beings never encounter the tangled meshes of the conventional, egocentric world, because, from birth, they clearly perceive that God alone exists". -Ramakrishna  
.........."Divine Reality is a limitless ocean of consciousness and individual awareness is a jar". -Ramakrishna  
"Become drunk, O mind, with the wine of bliss. Fall upon the sacred earth weeping and chanting the holy name. Fill space with your lion's roar,  whirling round and round, both arms raised high, giving away the mahamantra to all conscious beings. Transform limited desire into the radiance of Krishna, and swim night and day in the wild sea of rapture. The universe is now submerged beneath the waves of ecstatic love". -Ramakrishna  
-from The Great Swan ... Meetings with Ramakrishna  by Lex Hexon

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