Thursday, December 08, 2011

keep talking about a free and moderate Islam

Belgian Muslim radicals break up Amsterdam debate

Thursday 08 December 2011
Police were called to the Balie debating centre in Amsterdam on Wednesday night after a group of around 20 Belgian Muslims stormed the debate, chanting slogans and refusing to leave.
One of the speakers at the debate was Irshad Manji, a Canadian Muslim reformer who wrote a book titled The Trouble with Islam Today. The threats were directed at her and she was spat at, Nos television said.
GroenLinks MP Tofik Dibi was also on the panel and told reporters afterwards he had felt threatened. 'It was a small room and one felt very squashed in,' he said.
'But disturbing the debate shows that it is important to keep talking about a free and moderate Islam,' the MP, who was reportedly hit by an egg during the protest, said.
Two of the protesters were arrested.

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