Thursday, December 08, 2011

Clinton’s hypocrisy

Written on by da Tagliare

Hillary Wrongly Condemns Israel and Ignores Muslims on Women’s Rights

It’s been no secret that President Barack Hussein Obama has been actively courting the alliance of the Muslim world while at the same time doing everything he can to destroy the longtime friendship with Israel.  US Attorney General Eric Holder also has a strong track record of giving preferential treatment to radical Muslims while refusing to defend the legal rights of Jews and Christians.
Now US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has joined forces with Obama and Holder in her obvious affinity for the Muslim world and disdain for the Jews and US ally Israel.
Clinton recently informed Israeli news media that she was taken aback by certain Jewish treatments of women in Israel.  According to Clinton, she claimed to be shocked that some pious Jews insisted that women sit in a different section of a bus from where the men sat.  She commented on how wrong it was for these same Jews to make women use a different sidewalk than the men.  She also expressed her concern about images of women being removed from advertisements and posters and that some Jewish women are being forced to cover themselves from head to toe, much like Arab women do.
Her comments only added fuel the already smoldering fire that has been ignited between the United States government and Israel.  Jews are already pointing out Clinton’s hypocrisy.  While she has openly condemned Israel, she has remained loudly silent concerning women’s rights in Muslim nations.
In many Arab lands, Muslim men have the right beat their wives and daughters if they feel justified.  Women are not allowed an education in many Arab areas, nor are they allowed to drive a car of even talk to a man.  Sharia law allows Muslim men to kill their wives and daughters even if they just suspect any infidelity or violation of the husband/father’s rules.  Basically, in the Arab world, women have little if any rights are legally treated like any other disposable property owned by the man.Among those speaking out about Clinton’s remarks is Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar who also happens to be an expert on the Middle East, said,
“Queen Hillary doesn’t seem to realize that Israel is a free country, that Israel is a country in which women have equal rights.  If you look at the Islamic world, there’s no such thing. In Islam, wife-beating is permissible, is considered to be the husband’s obligation.”
“President Obama has expressed and has shown a tremendous affinity with the Islamic world and with the anti-Israel world.  You wouldn’t hear statements such as the one from Hillary Clinton if it wasn’t for President Obama. It’s a grain that runs through this administration.”
I wouldn’t be surprised to see the White House’s biggest holiday celebration will be next year’s Ramadan instead of Christmas or Fourth of July; or if Obama starts adding Muslim crescents to the stars on the American flag

Read more: Hillary Wrongly Condemns Israel and Ignores Muslims on Women’s Rights | Godfather Politics

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