Monday, January 16, 2012

, a war for world domination

Vision to America Store No, We Can't: Radical Islam, Militant Secularism and the Myth of Coexistence

No We Can't Cover Image The world is shifting. It is dissatisfied, baffled and craving transformation.
Religious tolerance is prized more than truth. From clever slogans to celebrity endorsements, we are bombarded with seemingly peaceful messages of coexistence.
But beneath the bumper stickers and T-shirts is buried this truth: Coexistence is a myth. Instead, a war for world domination is raging--between radical Islam, secularism and Judeo-Christianity.
What does it mean for you and why should you care?
From years of global outreach, Robert Stearns predicts a coming perilous culture clash. With clarity and astonishing depth, he shows you
  • the power of radical Islam to reshape Western culture
  • why Judeo-Christianity is losing strength
  • what believers can and must do
  • and more…

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