Sunday, July 16, 2006

While America Slept

While America Slept
...Islam Attacked

Wednesday night, the 13th of January 2005, a loving Christian family was brutally murdered inside their Jersey City home by hateful Muslims following Muhammad’s example and Allah’s orders. The victims were innocent of any crime and yet their throats were slit in barbaric fashion. Their bodies were bound and savagely mutilated. Then, to add insult to injury, jealous American Muslims gathered in the street outside the church to lob insults at the Christian families attending the funeral. Mourners, too sad to be angry, had kind words for the deeply religious family, especially young Sylvia, who was murdered a day before her Sweet 16 party.
The victims of the kind of violence a good Muslim is expected to display towards Islamic critics, were a Christian Egyptian American man, Hossam Armanious, 37, his wife, Amal Garas, also 37, and their two daughters, Sylvia, 15, and Monica, 8. Their rotting corpses, soaked in pools of their own blood, were found in their Oakland Avenue home early Friday after relatives told police nobody had heard from them in days. A family member who viewed photos of the bloodbath said Sylvia seemed to have taken the most savage punishment. “When we saw the pictures, you could tell that they were hurt really, really bad in the face; especially Sylvia,” said Milad Garas, the high-school sophomore's great-uncle. “The heartless killer not only slit Sylvia's throat, but also sliced a huge gash in her chest and stabbed her in the wrist, where she had a tattoo of a Coptic cross.”
Look into Monica’s eyes and consider the demonic indoctrination and sadistic depravity required to murder and then mutilate this beautiful and precious girl. And while that is difficult, until every American can do this, and come to grips with the motivation for so many murders like this—Islam’s Satanic nature—holding the religion itself accountable for the acts of its most fundamental and jealous adherents, everyone who has died at the hand of a Muslim aboard planes, busses and ships, in hotels, nightclubs, office buildings and schools, will have died in vain. This may be another wake-up call, America. Are you listening, or are you going to push the snooze button on your alarm once again?
Investigators said each victim was bound, gagged, stabbed, and slashed in the neck and chest. Sylvia’s wrist was mutilated where she displayed a small Copt cross. This is indicative of an act of Islam. It is an act of terror. Members of Jersey City’s Coptic community—many of whom left Egypt like the Armanious family to escape religious threats—understand the connection between fundamental Islam and the murders of their friends and family. That sentiment was expressed loudly by one parishioner inside who began yelling at Muslims, including a sheik, who attended the service. “Islam is the killer,” he said over and over before he was dragged from the church by five police officers who hustled him into an unmarked police car and quickly drove away. Welcome to America where accountability and truth are now crimes.
Tensions were high even before the first copper-colored casket arrived, when, during a procession to the church from Journal Square, family members asked mourners to put away anti-Muslim protest signs. But emotions really boiled over in the moments after the wistful service when a skirmish broke out as the four black hearses adorned with the victims’ pictures were being loaded. Punches were thrown, people were shoved and police rushed in to break up the brawl that had moved up Bergen Avenue to a nearby parking garage.
Family friend, Henry Simon, 35, said of the tension, “The sheik came at the wrong time. It’s like spitting on their graves.” What Simon said was right. It is why I continue to be grieved by President Bush’s decision to have an Islamic Imam give the benediction at the National Cathedral ceremony to mourn the victims of the Islamic attack on September 11th. It was like asking Adolf Hitler to give the benediction for Auschwitz.
Note also this interesting detail buried at the end of the story: Investigators learned that a relative of the Armanious family had helped prosecutors in their case against Lynne Stewart, the lawyer charged with passing messages to followers of her client, blind Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, the convicted terrorist ringleader responsible for the assignation of Egyptian president Anwar Sadat and the initial car bombing of the World Trade Center. For those squeamish about blaming Islam for the acts of Islamic Jihadists, consider the fact that Sheik Rahman was Islam’s foremost authority on the Qur’an. He was senior professor of Qur’anic Studies at Islam’s most prestigious university, Al Azhar, inCairo, Egypt.

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