Monday, January 02, 2006

it is they who we should fear

Yet it is they who we likely should fear - they who turn their backs on our Constitution; they who enforce acts that were never ratified by the American people, such as the Federal Reserve; they who sneak in bills that reduce our rights, such as COG's "Government Commission" and Rep. Brian Baird's H.J. Res 83 which would allow for U.S. House members to be appointed rather than elected by the American people. The Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) is another act they want to ratify which would sanction "the UN to have control over 70% of the Earth's surface which would amount to the single largest transfer of American sovereignty to the United Nations in history" [APCalert; 6/14/04; American Policy Center:]. These are but a few of many worrisome rights being taken away from us by them - the grand domestic and international privileged and major players who have a plan for building more wealth and a new kingdom for themselves . . . only -- thus disregarding individuals and their rights.

By Gianni DeVincent Hayes, Ph.D

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