Thursday, June 01, 2006

He might just be right-thanks Daniel

You know, sometimes I just have to stand up and SCREAM. Like when the birdflu pandemic is looming and the US government doesn't want to spend money on producing a vaccine that could actually save American citizens. Why? Because they say it would be "too expensive," as if spending ten*billion* a month in Iraq is wise, based on what a great job the US has done there and how well things are going and how much safer we all are. Where are the priorities of this government? Why does it so often work against us? Why are our tax dollars not going towards actually protecting us from the inevitable? It's OK if you think I'm wrong, and think that continuing a war based on lies in the Mideast is a better use of money than something that will directly save lives in the US and all over the world. But it's time for most Americans to wake up, stop accepting excuses, and start demanding that the government once again be FOR the people.

"Daniel Will-Harris"

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