Monday, May 29, 2006

The Illuminati

The Illuminati
This group is the world's money-holders who want global governance and are using chaos to make people submissive and compliant through crime, monetary problems, disobedient children and the take-over of education and economy, as well as religion. David Icke states that "The Illuminati, the clique which controls the direction of the world, are genetic hybrids, the result of interbreeding . . . [and] that this is why European royal and aristocratic families have interbred so obsessively, as do the so-called Eastern Establishment families of the United States, which produce the leaders of America. Every presidential election since and including George Washington in 1789 has been won by the candidate with the most European genes." The Illuminati, offers Icke, are Obsessed with symbolism and rituals. Their prime directives (covered in future articles) are frightening.

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